Trending Healthy Kids Topics
Head Lice Infestation (Pediculosis)
Head lice infection is called pediculosis. Lice are parasites that feed on blood and can be found on the scalp and hair of infected people. Signs and symptoms of head lice infestation include a tickling sensation, itching, and sores on the head.
ADHD Pictures Slideshow: Symptoms in Children
Watch this slideshow to recognize the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in children from MedicineNet's expert medical doctors and healthcare professionals.
Read more about ADHD Pictures Slideshow: Symptoms in Children »
Babies Quiz
Is there a newborn in your life? Quiz your knowledge of infants and babies including all the exciting crying, cooing, sleeping, eating, smiling, giggling milestones of baby's first year!
ADHD in Children
Read about childhood ADHD symptoms, treatment, and medications. Learn about the types of ADHD in children, diagnosis, and prognosis.
Baby's Healthy Skin
Caring for your newborn baby's skin may seem complex, but it doesn't have to be. From rashes and sunburn, to laundry detergent and baby powder, learn how to take care of your newborn's skin.
Head Lice
Watch this slideshow that lets parents not only learn how to treat a head lice infestation, but also how to protect their child against future lice outbreaks.
Related Disease Conditions
Is it OK to Just Have One Child?
Parents often feel pressure to add more children to a family. There are pros and cons to having one child....
1p36 Deletion Syndrome
1p36 deletion syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes severe intellectual disability. Characteristics of 1p36 deletion...
What Are 4 Environmental Factors That Affect Growth?
Child growth and development are affected by 4 major types of environmental factors: biological, physical, psychosocial, and...
7 Signs It's Time to Wean Your Baby From Breast or Bottle Feeding
When is it time to wean your baby from the breast or bottle to solid foods? Learn how and when to wean your child from breastmilk...
What Are 8 Problems That Can Occur With Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding may not come naturally to all women. Common breastfeeding problems include sore nipples, breast pain, engorgement,...
9 Things a Stepparent Should Never Do
Becoming a stepparent comes with its challenges. Things a stepparent should never do include trying too hard to please, imposing...
What Is the Difference Between Achondroplasia and Pseudoachondroplasia?
Achondroplasia is caused by mutations in the FGFR3 gene, whereas pseudoachondroplasia is caused by mutations in the gene encoding...
ADHD in Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes the following symptoms in children: excessive activity, problems...
What Age Should a Child Go to the Dentist for the First Time?
About 50 percent of children have at least one cavity by the time they are five years old. Take your child to the dentist by the...
Alcohol and Teens
Alcohol is the most frequently used drug by American teenagers. Teens that drink are more likely to drive under the influence,...
Kidney Angiomyolipoma
Angiomyolipomas are noncancerous tumors that are typically found in the kidney, but may occur in the liver, ovary, colon, or...
At What Age Do Late Talkers Talk?
Late talkers are toddlers (18 to 30 months old) who have a limited vocabulary for their age, but do not have any other...
At What Age Does Gender Identity Develop?
Research shows that children recognize their own gender and gender in others starting as early as two or three years old....
At What Age Is a Parent Not Legally Responsible?
Parents have a responsibility for their children until a certain age. Find out what age this is and what is expected of you....
At What Age Is Co-Sleeping Safe With Your Baby?
What to know about sharing a bed with an infant. Learn about the benefits, risks, and the best age to co-sleep with your baby....
At What Age Should You Babyproof Your Home?
Babyproofing helps protect your child at home. You should babyproof your home before your child starts to crawl....
Giant Platelet Syndrome (Bernard-Soulier Disease)
Giant Platelet Syndrome (Bernard-Soulier Disease) is a rare inherited bleeding disorder caused by a defect in the platelet...
What Is a Branchial Cyst?
A branchial cyst is a congenital remnant from embryologic development that appears on the side of the neck. The cyst may develop...
Bullying is repeated physical or verbal aggression that involves an imbalance of power. Types of bullying include physical,...
Can a 2-Year-Old Go to the Dentist?
You can take your 2-year-old to the dentist within 6-12 months of their first tooth eruption. Dental visits are important to...
Can a Baby Survive Omphalocele?
Most babies with omphaloceles survive. If the only problem is an omphalocele, the survival rate is over 90%. If the baby has...
Can a Child Outgrow Auditory Processing Disorder?
Because the auditory process matures fully by 13 years, it is possible that your child may grow out of it once they reach that...
Can a Parent Cause Anxiety in a Child?
Parents who are stressed, anxious, harsh, fight, sarcastic, hostile or aversive may transmit or cause anxiety in their children....
Can Adults Get Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease From Children?
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a contagious viral infection that can affect children and adults alike. Learn about symptoms,...
Can Babies Get COVID-19?
According to the CDC, it's not common for newborns to be diagnosed with COVID-19. But there have been a few cases of newborns...
Can Babies Grow Out of Tongue-Tie?
If tongue-tie is left alone, it will often resolve itself as the baby's mouth grows. However, in some cases, surgery for...
Can COVID-19 Affect a Newborn Baby?
There is a low risk of transmitting COVID-19 from mother to child during pregnancy. In some cases, newborns might test positive...
Can Microcephaly Go Away?
Microcephaly is a permanent condition that currently has no cure; however, treatment aims to minimize symptoms and improve the...
Can You Feel Baby at 10 Weeks?
The fetus at 10 weeks of pregnancy is about the size of an apricot, which is around 30 mm in length. You will be able to see...
Central Precocious Puberty
Central precocious puberty is characterized by the unusual early onset of puberty -- in girls, prior to 8 years of age, and boys,...
Child Abuse
Approximately 40 million children suffer abuse every year around the world, and more than 1,500 children die of abuse in the U.S....
Childhood Obesity
Fast-food consumption and lack of exercise are just a couple of causes of childhood obesity. Health effects of childhood obesity...
Children's Health
Children's health is focused on the well-being of children from conception through adolescence. There are many aspects of...
How Do I Choose a Developmentally Appropriate Toy for My Child?
Most parents are worried about keeping their toddler or preschooler occupied in a way that will have a positive effect on their...
Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers
The choices differ, and it all depends on what best suits the parents, their lifestyle and budget. For most new parents, it comes...
Cold Agglutinin Disease
Cold agglutinin hemolytic anemia or cold agglutinin hemolytic disease, is a rare disorder of the autoimmune system. There are two...
Colic in Babies
Colic is crying or fussing that begins suddenly, lasting for a total of three hours a day and happening more than three days a...
What Are Some Common Fears and Anxieties in Middle Childhood?
As a child learns more about the world, their fears and anxieties may increase. Some fears are about real things, and some are...
Croup is a contagious viral infection that affects children's respiratory systems. Symptoms include a barking cough, stridor,...
Cystic Hygroma
Cystic hygroma is a birth defect that may be apparent while a fetus is still in the womb. It is a malformation of the lymphatic...
What Is the Difference Between Moderate and Severe Disability?
Intellectual disability is categorized based on the severity, which you can learn the differences below....
Differences: Autism and Pervasive Development
Pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) are a set of behavioral disorders that are present since early childhood. Although there...
What Are the Disadvantages of a Single-Parent Family?
As a single parent, you will have more things to look after, from finances to the house and kids. You may have to multitask your...
Do Babies Get Shots at Their 18-Month Checkup?
Babies may get a few shots at their 18-month checkup if they did not get them during their last checkup....
Do Hemangiomas Go Away?
Hemangiomas are one of the most common tumors that develop in infants. They are most often present from birth or appear within...
Does Your Body Shape Change During Puberty?
Puberty is the phase when children become sexually mature. Many changes occur in the shape and appearance of the body during...
Down Syndrome
Get the facts on Down syndrome, a genetic disorder caused by an additional set of chromosomes in a developing fetus. Down...
Dyslexia is a learning disability that can cause difficulty reading and delayed early language development. Learn about how...
Encopresis is a type of elimination disorder in which bowel movements are passed into places other than the toilet. Children with...
Does Exposure to Media Violence Cause Aggressive Behavior?
Studies and research indicate that exposure to media violence is a strong predictor of aggressive behavior. Research indicates...
Febrile Seizures
Febrile seizures, or convulsions caused by fever, can be frightening in small children or infants. However, in general, febrile...
Fifth Disease
Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum) is caused by a virus known as parvovirus B 19. Symptoms include low-grade fever, fatigue, a...
Friedreich's Ataxia Syndrome
Friedreich's ataxia syndrome is a rare inherited (genetic) disease that causes progressive nervous system damage and movement...
What Are Good Chores for a Teenager (13 to 17) Years?
At this age, teens are becoming more and more independent and peer-focused. Good chores for a teenager include cleaning their...
What Are Good Chores for a Young Child (5 to 8 Years)?
Giving your children chores has benefits that will last a lifetime. Good chores for a child between 5 and 8 years of age include...
How Can I Help My 5-Month-Old Baby’s Development?
Babies at 5 months of age are developing rapidly. Parents can help their 5-month-old baby's development by talking and reading to...
How Can I Relieve My Baby's Constipation Fast?
Learn the 10 best home remedies for relieving infant constipation, which include providing hydration, adding high-fiber foods to...
How Can I Relieve My Baby's Gas?
Many newborns, particularly between the ages of 1-4 months, suffer from gas. The taking in of air while feeding, allergies to...
How Can I Stop Dry Cough at Night?
Dry coughing at night can disrupt your sleep and make you drowsy the next day. Learn about why dry coughing at night occurs and...
How Can I Stop My Child From Coughing?
Treatment for cough is not recommended unless the cough interferes with the child’s sleep or activity or is accompanied by a...
How Can I Treat My Baby's Rashes Naturally?
A baby may get rashes due to numerous causes. Try to pin down the cause of rashes in the case of your baby. Is it a diaper rash?...
How Can I Treat My Baby's Thrush at Home?
What is thrush in babies and is it dangerous? Find out how to recognize when your baby has thrush and how thrush is treated....
How Can You Tell if Your Baby Is Constipated?
Constipation is a common issue that affects many infants. Learn the signs of constipation in babies, what causes it, how doctors...
How Can You Tell if Your Child Has Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome affects many families every year. How Down syndrome may display in each child can depend on individual factors,...
How Common Is Tongue-Tie in Babies?
Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs in about 4 to 11 percent of newborns and is characterized by an excessively tight lingual...
How Do Family Members Cope With Autism?
Autism is a developmental disorder that encompasses a variety of symptoms like communication difficulties, behavioral challenges,...
How Do I Deal With My 16-Year-Old Daughter?
Your 16-year-old daughter is becoming more independent. Deal with your 16-year-old daughter by giving her more independence,...
How Do I Deal With My 16-Year-Old Son?
A 16-year-old boy feels that he is a grown-up, yet he behaves like a kid. Deal with your 16-year-old son by allowing him to...
How Do I Deal With My 17-Year-Old Daughter?
Your 17-year-old daughter is on the cusp of adulthood. Deal with your 17-year-old daughter by creating a relationship with her,...
How Do I Deal With My Teenager's Attitude?
How do I deal with my teenager's attitude? Learn about tips that may help you deal with your teenager’s attitude....
How Do I Get Rid of My Baby's Moro Reflex?
All babies are born with the Moro reflex, but for some, it can be too strong or continue for too long. Learn the signs of the...
How Do I Know if My Baby Is Having Digestive Problems?
Digestive problems are common in babies, especially when they are newborns. Learn about signs your baby may have a digestive...
How Do I Know if My Baby Has RSV?
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is common in babies, but symptoms often resemble a cold. Learn how to recognize signs of RSV in...
How Do I Know if My Baby Has Thrush?
What is thrush, and how do you recognize it in your baby? Learn the signs of thrush, what causes it, and what to do for treatment....
How Do I Know if My Baby Is Developing Normally?
The development of your child begins right after birth. What are the signs that your child is developing normally? Learn how to...
How Do I Know if My Child has Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a lung infection that affects many children. Learn the signs of pneumonia in children, what causes pneumonia in...
How Do I Know if Something Is Wrong With My Baby?
Here are 15 warning signs that may indicate something is wrong with your baby and that they need medical attention....
How Do I Parent My 3-Year-Old with Autism?
Parenting a young child with autism can feel stressful. Parent your 3-year-old with autism by understanding autism, using...
How Do I Stop My Child From Biting at Daycare?
When your child bites at daycare, it may cause you lots of worry and embarrassment. Stop your child from biting in daycare by...
How Do You Comfort a Sick Baby?
Babies commonly get six to eight colds per year. Comfort a sick baby by using saline nasal spray with suction, increasing...
How Do You Cope With a 1-Year-Old and a Newborn?
When a second baby comes along with the first only a year old, parenting becomes an endurance test. Cope with a newborn and a...
How Do You Correct Bad Behavior in Toddlers?
What to know about bad behavior in toddlers. Learn how to correct toddlers' behavior in a positive, effective way....
How Do You Deal with a Manipulative Teenager Girl?
Teenage manipulation is a form of bullying. The six ways your teen may manipulate you include asking for forbidden things, using...
How Do You Decongest a Baby?
Nose and chest congestion are a common occurrence in babies. You can decongest your baby with rest, positioning, hydration, a...
How Do You Diagnose Spinal Muscular Atrophy?
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic condition that results in weakness and wasting of muscles in infants. For diagnosing...
How Do You Get Rid of Cradle Cap?
Learn about the symptoms of cradle cap, what causes the cradle cap skin condition, and how to relieve cradle cap....
How Do You Handle a Newborn Baby?
It's an essential parenting skill: confidently and securely carrying your newborn baby. You must support your baby's head at all...
How Do You Hydrate a Child Quickly?
Rehydrating your child largely depends on their age and the cause and severity of dehydration. Here is how to rehydrate infants...
How Do You Know if Your Baby Has an Ear Infection?
Baby ear infection symptoms can include signs of irritability, tugging on the ears, an unpleasant smell and discharge coming from...
How Do You Know If Your Baby Has Hip Dysplasia?
Your baby may have hip dysplasia if you notice that their legs are not the same length or their hips making a popping sound when...
How Do You Know if Your Child Is Manipulating You?
Children are unbelievably intuitive and smart. As they get older, you know if your child is manipulating you if they say hurtful...
How Do You Raise Twins Alone?
Even as an experienced parent, you may not know what to expect when you bring home newborn twins. Although the journey is...
How Do You Treat Anemia in Children?
What are anemia symptoms in children and how do you treat it?...
How Does Scoliosis Affect the Body?
What is scoliosis? Learn the causes and symptoms of scoliosis, how it affects the spine, and how it is treated....
How Does Single Parenting Affect a Child?
A single parent brings up a child without the assistance of a partner. The effect of single parenting on a child may be good or...
How Early Can You Detect SMA?
Spinal muscular atrophy can be detected between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Check out the center below for more medical...
How Does Having an Autistic Child Affect the Parents?
Being a parent to a child with special needs is associated with various challenges. Having an autistic child may stress the...
How Long Can a Newborn Go Without Peeing?
A newborn baby usually passes urine for the first time within 12-24 hours after birth. Not peeing in the first 24 hours points to...
How Long Can Umbilical Venous Catheters Be Used?
A medical professional may use an umbilical venous catheter (UVC) to monitor blood pressure, draw blood, or administer...
How Long Can You Live With Niemann–Pick Disease?
Niemann–Pick disease (NP) is a fatal condition with a life expectancy of around 18 months in most infants. Check out the center...
How Long Do Growing Pains Last?
Growing pains vary from child to child. Some feel pain for a few minutes while others feel pain for several hours. Most children...
How Long Do You Let Your Baby Cry It Out?
Crying nonstop for too long likely means there's something wrong. If no amount of soothing seems to work and crying continues for...
How Long Does a Heat Rash Last on a Baby?
Heat rash is a common issue that affects many babies. Learn the signs of heat rash, what causes it, how long it lasts, how...
How Long Does Diarrhea Last for a Baby?
Diarrhea in babies typically lasts for 3-7 days, depending on the cause. If your baby’s diarrhea lasts longer, it may indicate a...
How Long Does It Take for the Umbilical Cord to Fall Off?
The cord will normally fall off 1-3 weeks after birth. The average cord falls off between 10 and 14 days with 21 days being the...
How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Fractured Growth Plate?
Growth plates are the areas of new bone growth in children and teens. Bone fractures in children heal quickly as compared to...
How Many Hours Should Kids Sleep (By Age Group)?
Sleep needs vary from child to child, and not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. Sleep guidelines by age can help ensure...
How Serious Is Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)?
Some cases of ASD resolve during childhood. However, severe cases of ASD can be life-threatening and require surgery to prevent...
How to Comfort a Sick Child?
Seeing your child sick is a heart-wrenching situation for every parent. Caring for your sick child stands high on your priority...
How To Deal With Preteen (Tween) Attitude?
How To Deal With Preteen (Tween) Attitude? Learn about tips that may help you deal with your tween's attitude....
How to Treat and Prevent Drool Rash
Drooling becomes noticeable between 3-6 months of age, which is caused by increased salivation (sialorrhea) that may be due to...
Hydrocele is a collection of clear fluid in a thin-walled sack that also contains the testicle. Hydroceles are more common in...
Infant Formulas
Though human milk is the preferred feeding for infants, parents may consider formula feeding if there is an inadequate supply of...
Is Bedwetting a Sign of Psychopathy?
Bed-wetting is considered a problem if the child is aged older than 7 years and continues to wet the bed twice or more times a...
Is Circumcision Good or Bad?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that there is insufficient scientific evidence to justify circumcision in young...
Is Cloth Diapering Really Worth It?
Parenting brings along lots of questions and tough choices. When the question is about your baby, you do not want to compromise....
Is Croup Contagious?
Croup is a viral infection that typically affects children and causes inflammation of the larynx and trachea. The cough...
Is FGR the Same as IUGR?
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is the same as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)....
Is Gripe Water Safe for Newborns?
As gripe water is a supplement and not a medication, it doesn't come under the regulation of the United States Food and Drug...
Is It Bad to Feed Baby Food at 4 Months?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until your child is at least 6 months old to introduce solid foods into...
Is It OK to Pick and Scratch Cradle Cap Off?
Cradle cap is a common skin condition on newborn babies' scalps. Do not scratch and pick off cradle cap because an infection...
Is Lowe Syndrome Fatal?
Lowe syndrome can be fatal due to complications related to infections and kidney failure. Check out the center below for more...
Is Roseola Contagious?
Roseola is a common viral infection among children 6-24 months of age. Symptoms and signs include a high fever and a rash all...
Is There a Cure for Proteus Syndrome?
Proteus syndrome, also called elattoproteus syndrome or elephant man disease, is a rare genetic condition affecting about one in...
Is Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome Hereditary?
Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare genetic syndrome that is hereditary and follows an autosomal dominant pattern. Learn...
Is Williams Syndrome a Form of Autism?
Williams Syndrome (WS) is not an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), although there is some overlap between the two conditions....
What Is Kawasaki Disease?
Kawasaki disease is a rare children's disease characterized by a fever that lasts more than five days and at least four of the...
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS, infantile acquired aphasia, acquired epileptic aphasia, or aphasia with convulsive disorder), a...
What Is the Life Expectancy of a Person With Down Syndrome?
The average life expectancy of a person with Down syndrome is about 60 years....
What Is the Life Expectancy of a Person With Klinefelter Syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome (KS) can shorten life expectancy up to 2 years depending on whether complications associated with the...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome?
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome doesn’t affect the life expectancy of children. Check out the center below for more medical references on...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With Sanfilippo Syndrome?
The majority of patients with Sanfilippo syndrome do not live past the age of adolescence; however, some people may live longer,...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With CLOVES Syndrome?
CLOVES syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that is characterized by vascular, spinal, joint, and skin abnormalities. The life...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With Noonan Syndrome?
There is a wide range in the severity of signs and symptoms in people with Noonan syndrome (NS). Therefore, the prognosis...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone with Williams Syndrome?
Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects approximately one in 25,000 births. Early intervention is the key to a long...
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone with Spinal Muscular Atrophy?
The survival rate for children with SMA type 1 is about 7 years old with a mortality rate of 95 percent by 18 months old....
What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With Osteogenesis Imperfecta?
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) or brittle bone disease is a group of rare disorders characterized by extremely weak bones. The life...
What Is Loeys-Dietz Syndrome?
Loeys-Dietz syndrome is an inherited genetic syndrome characterized by aortic aneurysms in children, which put them at a greater...
What Are the Milestones for a 4- to 5-Year-Old Child?
Children who are four to five years of age may discover independence, creativity, self-confidence and self-control. Milestones...
What Are Considered Moderate to Severe Disabilities?
Disabilities that are considered to be moderate to severe include autism, deaf/blindness, and developmental delays that impair...
Niemann-Pick Disease
Niemann-Pick disease is genetic (inherited) disease referred to as lipid storage disease. Niemann-Pick disease is divided into...
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease, a painful inflammation just below the knee but above the shin, typically affects adolescent boys....
PANDAS is in part caused by an autoimmune response to a strep infection. Symptoms mimic those of OCD, ADHD, and include motor and...
Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness, says...
Parenting a Child With ADHD
ADHD is a behavioral condition with characteristics that include hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. Parenting a child...
Pfeiffer Syndrome
Pfeiffer syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, is characterized by craniosynostosis and other birth defects. There are three...
Poland Syndrome
Poland syndrome is a congenital malformation that affects one side of the body. Characteristics of Poland syndrome include the...
Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PIDD)
Primary immunodeficiency disease or PIDD is a group of over 250 genetic diseases that involve the immune system. Symptoms of...
The time when boys and girls begin the process of sexual maturation is called puberty. During this time, both sexes undergo a...
Reye Syndrome
Reye's syndrome (RS or Reye syndrome) is a sudden, sometimes fatal, disease of the brain with degeneration of the liver. Reye...
Rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. Infants and children who are exclusively breastfed, have...
Roseola is a viral illness that most commonly affects young children. Symptoms and signs include a sudden high fever that lasts...
Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among infants and children throughout the world. Almost all children have...
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis causes an abnormal curvature of the spine. When the cause of scoliosis is unknown the disorder is described based on...
Shaken Baby Syndrome (Abusive Head Trauma)
Shaken baby syndrome, or abusive head trauma, is the condition that describes the symptoms and signs that result from the violent...
Should You Get Your Son Circumcised?
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is an option...
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
The cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is unknown. The risk of SIDS peaks in infants 2-4 months of age. SIDS is more...
What Are Some Home Remedies I Can Give My Child for Constipation?
What are some home remedies for children with constipation? Learn what causes constipation and how to relieve your child’s...
Stages of Puberty: In Boys and Girls
Puberty is the time in a child’s life when sexual maturation occurs. There are several stages of puberty. A child goes through...
Can You Take Tylenol Cold and Flu While Breastfeeding?
Tylenol is a well-known brand of acetaminophen and it is safe and effective for fever and pain.A void combined products like...
Teen Drug Abuse
Drugs commonly abused by teens include tobacco products, marijuana, cold medications, inhalants, depressants, stimulants,...
Disease Prevention for Teens
Teenagers recognize that they are developmentally between child and adult. Teen health prevention includes maintaining a healthy...
What Are the 3 Patterns of Sensory Processing Disorders?
Learn about the 3 primary patterns of sensory processing disorders (SPDs), how they affect the senses, and a few examples of each...
Oral Thrush in Children
Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a type of fungus called Candida. Oral thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth...
What Is Typical Development for a 15-Year-Old Daughter?
At age 15, your daughter is smack dab in the middle of adolescence. Here’s what to expect from your 15-year-old daughter during...
What Are the Causes of Upper Left Side Abdominal Pain in Children?
What's causing your child's abdominal pains, and how can you spot the symptoms? Learn what commonly causes abdominal pains in...
Urinary Incontinence in Children
Urinary incontinence in children (enuresis) is twice as common in boys as in girls and may occur during the daytime or nighttime....
Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common in children. Symptoms and signs include fever and abdominal pain. Associated...
What Is West Syndrome?
West Syndrome is a rare condition that affects infants and children with three distinct characteristics: 1) abnormal brain...
What Does a Child With Prader-Willi Syndrome Look Like?
Children with Prader-Willi syndrome may have features such as almond-shaped eyes, a narrow forehead, turned-down mouth, thin...
What Age Can a Baby Go in a Bouncer?
A baby can go in a baby bouncer at around the age of 3-6 months....
What Age Can a Baby Use a Jumperoo?
Jumpers or jumperoos are the combination of swing and spinning of the baby seat. It may be additionally equipped with some toys,...
What Age Should a Child Learn to Read, Write and Do Math?
Learning to read, write and do math is always a milestone in kids that parents treasure. Children will learn to read between the...
What age is a child considered a toddler?
A child between one to three years of age is considered a toddler. This is the time that your child is progressing from being an...
What Age Is Hardest to Parent?
A recent survey showed that parents of 12- to 14-year-old teens had a harder time than parents of toddlers, elementary school...
What Age Should a Child Be Potty Trained By?
Potty training is an important milestone in a child’s development journey. Although most toddlers are ready to be potty trained...
What Are 4 Types of Child Personalities?
Everyone is born with a distinct personality type and unique characteristics. The four personality types according to Hippocrates...
What Are 5 Positive Parenting Skills?
Being a parent comes with its share of challenges and woes. The 5 positive parenting skills are to be encouraging, be responsive,...
What Are the 5 Types of Sleep Disorders in Children?
Sleep disorders in children happen when they can’t fall asleep or stay asleep at night. The 5 types of sleep disorders in...
What Are the Different Types of Language Disorders?
A language disorder affects the way a child comprehends or uses language. Learn about the different types, signs and symptoms,...
What Are the 10 Things Every Child Needs?
Spending a lot of quality time with your children gives you the chance to meet their needs and discover who they are. The ten...
What Are the 3 Main Symptoms of Autism?
Autism or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) can manifest as different symptoms in different children. The average age of diagnosis...
What Are the 3 Types of Baby Cries?
Babies cry to tell you their needs. They usually cry for 2-3 hours a day. Sometimes, a bawling baby can be distressing to the...
What Are the 5 Stages of Child Development?
Children undergo various changes in terms of physical, speech, intellectual, and cognitive development until adolescence. The...
What Are the Advantages of a Single-Parent Family?
Children in a single-parent family can be just as happy as those in a two-parent family. You can build a great relationship with...
What Are the Biggest Mistakes Parents Make?
Since parenting can influence a child’s growth and development, learn the eleven common parenting mistakes to help raise kids in...
What Are the Danger Signs in Newborns?
After your baby is born, it can be difficult to tell whether every cry or symptom is a sign that something is wrong. Here are 14...
What Are the Different Types of Behavior Disorders?
Behavioral disorders in children involve a pattern of disruptive behaviors that can cause problems at school and home. Learn...
What Are the Main Causes of Sibling Rivalry?
Siblings may be jealous of and harbor resentment toward one another. The main causes of sibling rivalry are lack of social...
What Are the Most Common Birth Defects?
A birth defect is a health condition that is present since birth. Birth defects may change the shape or function of one or more...
What Are the Qualities of a Good Parent?
While every child has individual needs, authoritative parenting strategies will benefit almost every child. Parents should...
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of an Unwell Child?
A toddler or infant getting sick often worries parents, especially first-time parents. Signs and Symptoms of an unwell child...
What Are the Stages of Muscular Dystrophy?
Muscular dystrophy causes progressive muscle weakness, and each stage causes different symptoms that will affect your child’s...
What Are the Steps in Neonatal Resuscitation?
Neonatal resuscitation is a series of emergency procedures performed by a doctor to support newborn babies who are not breathing,...
What Are the Steps to Bathe a Newborn?
Giving your newborn baby a bath can feel a bit intimidating, but if you follow some easy steps to bathing a newborn, those first...
What Are the Symptoms of Chromidrosis?
Chromidrosis is a rare, but chronic condition that causes a person to have colorful sweat. The most obvious symptom of...
What Are the Symptoms of HLH Disease?
Symptoms of HLH typically appear within the first few months or years of birth and resemble other childhood diseases. Check out...
What Are the Symptoms of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome?
The earliest physical sign of Phelan-McDermid syndrome is low muscle tone. Check out the center below for more medical references...
What Are the Things Toddlers Do?
A child is a toddler between the ages of one to three years old. At this age, toddlers experience milestones in physical...
What Can a Baby Do at 3 Months?
Your 3-month-old baby has made tremendous development since birth. Babies who are 3 months of age have achieved developmental...
What Can You Give a Child for Conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis is a minor eye infection common in young children that can be treated with eye rinses, saline drops, lubricants,...
What Causes a Child to Itch All Over?
All children experience itching at some point, usually from an easily identifiable cause like insect bites. But, there are some...
What Causes Breast Buds in Babies?
When inside the womb, babies are exposed to various substances, including the hormones from the mother's blood. One such hormone...
What Causes Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by abnormal cell division resulting in chromosomal abnormality. Abnormalities include...
What Causes Fragile X Syndrome?
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. It is passed down from parents to their children. A genetic disorder means the...
What Causes High Calcium Levels in Infants?
Elevated levels of calcium in the blood indicate a condition known as hypercalcemia. The causes of high calcium levels may vary...
What Causes Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?
Mesenteric lymphadenitis is an inflammatory condition that causes swollen lymph nodes in the stomach. Learn about its causes,...
What Causes Myoclonic Seizures in Babies?
Epileptic syndromes that cause myoclonic seizures usually begin in early childhood, and last throughout life, though milder forms...
What Causes Pigeon Chest?
Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is caused by an abnormal development of cartilage connecting the ribs. While the exact cause is...
What Causes Rashes on Baby Skin?
A baby's skin is delicate and can easily break into rashes in response to various irritants. Rashes on a baby's skin may be...
What Causes Stomach Pain in Girls?
Causes of stomach pain in females range from urinary tract infections and menstrual cramps to constipation and other digestive...
What Challenges Do Blended Families Face?
A blended family is one made of parents and children from previous relationships. Blended families face challenges including...
What Does Level 1 Autism Look Like?
Level I autism is the mildest form of autism and only requires minimal support. Learn about signs and symptoms of level I, level...
What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to bond with your baby. It has myriad benefits for you as well as your baby, but you may...
What Happens at a Sports Physical For a Teenage Girl?
A sports physical exam is also called preparticipation physical examination (PPE) or sports physical. At a sports physical for a...
What Happens When a Child Is Spoiled?
Being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs you can have. When a child is spoiled, they may be very dependent,...
What Happens When You Are Too Strict With Your Child?
If you are a strict parent, your children may comply temporarily, but over-strict parenting creates behavior problems....
What Is a KBG Test?
A KBG test is used to diagnose KBG syndrome. Check out the center below for more medical references on genetic disorders,...
What Is a Non-binary Baby?
Non-binary genders are any gender that doesn't fit within the "man/woman" binary view of gender. A non-binary baby is agender,...
What Is a Normal Heart Rate for a Sleeping Baby?
Normal heart rates for a sleeping baby range between 65-100 beats per minute, depending on their age. Heart rate is slower when...
What Is Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood?
Alternating hemiplegia of childhood is a rare neurological disorder that results in episodes of weakness or paralysis on one or...
What Is an Example of Auditory Processing Disorder?
Examples of auditory processing disorder include fading memory, reading difficulties, and no clarity in speech. Check out the...
What Is Cooing for a Baby?
Cooing is the precious sound babies make and it is their first vocal milestone. Cooing is a combination of laughter and vowel...
What Is DiGeorge Syndrome Life Expectancy?
With appropriate treatment, most children with DiGeorge syndrome grow into adulthood; however, children with severe defects may...
What Are 4 Common Symptoms of Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome is a type of genetic disorder in which a person has an extra chromosome (rod-like structures that contain genes)...
What Is GRACILE Syndrome?
GRACILE syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the BCS1L gene. Check out the center below for more medical...
What Is It Called When You Have Short Arms?
Hypochondroplasia is a condition in which a person has short arms. Check out the center below for more medical references on...
What Is It Like to Be a Parent of an Autistic Child?
When you are the parent of a child with autism, the challenges multiply. Being a parent of an autistic child may cause you to...
What Is Normal Behavior for a 12-Year-Old Girl?
A 12-year-old girl is not a teenager yet not exactly a child anymore. Normal behavior for a 12-year-old girl may include mood...
What Is ODD Caused By?
While there is no known cause of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), it is thought to be influenced by a combination of...
What Is Prader-Willi Syndrome?
Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder that results in poor muscular tone, feeding difficulties, and delayed growth. Check...
What Is the Best Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy?
Learn what medical treatments can help with your muscular dystrophy symptoms and speed up your recovery....
What Is the Foreskin Good For?
The foreskin has several roles in penis health: protects the penis head, maintains sensation, reduces friction, and contributes...
What Is the Life Expectancy for Cockayne Syndrome?
The life expectancy for Cockayne syndrome ranges from 10 to 20 years. Check out the center below for more medical references on...
What Is the Life Expectancy for Fragile X Syndrome?
Patients with fragile X syndrome have a normal life expectancy. Check out the center below for more medical references on genetic...
What Is the Life Expectancy for Usher Syndrome?
Usher syndrome typically does not affect one’s lifespan. Check out the center below for more medical references on genetic...
What Is the Life Expectancy of EEC Syndrome?
Life expectancy of EEC syndrome is normal to slightly reduced. Sweating problems cause the most life-threatening complications....
What Is the Life Expectancy of PWS?
People with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) can live well into adulthood. Causes of mortality are usually obesity-related cor...
What Is the Lifespan of People With Leigh Syndrome?
The prognosis of Leigh disorder is very poor, with patients mostly living up to six to seven years after diagnosis. Although some...
What Is the Main Cause of Stuttering?
Stuttering (child-onset fluency disorder) is a speech disorder that involves significant problems with normal fluency and flow of...
What Order Do Baby Teeth Come In?
A baby is born with buds inside the gums that give rise to all 20 primary teeth eventually. The primary teeth usually start...
What Parenting Styles Cause Anxiety?
There are times when your child will feel anxious about different things — this is perfectly normal. Authoritarian parenting,...
What Should 11-Month-Old Babies Be Doing?
Eleven-month-old babies may start to form their unique personalities and master more of their motor (movement) skills. At 11...
What Should 7-Month-Old Babies Be Doing?
Seven-month-old babies are more familiar with primary caregivers and learn to trust people who can fulfill their needs. At 7...
What Should a 10-Month-Old Baby Be Doing?
A 10-month-old baby is highly active. At 10 months old, your baby should crawl up steps, hold your hand, climb onto chairs,...
What Should a 4-Month-Old Baby Be Doing?
Growth at 4 months is so intense that babies often regress in other areas. At 4 months old, babies advance developmentally in...
What Should a New Dad Expect After a Baby Is Born?
Becoming a new dad can be stressful as there are many unknowns like adjusting to a new routine, worrying about finances, and how...
What Should I Do if My Baby Doesn't Want to Eat?
A baby not wanting to eat is typical behavior. If your baby doesn't want to eat, try different feeding positions, wear clothing...
What Should I Expect From My 10-Year-Old Daughter?
Your daughter is 10 years old and just entering a challenging stage of transition. Here are developmental milestones to look for...
What Should I Expect From My 11-Year-Old Boy?
If you have an 11-year-old boy, you may be wondering what’s going on inside them. Here is everything you need to know about how...
What Should I Expect From My 11-Year-Old Daughter?
Your little girl is growing up and facing huge changes in her life. Here’s what to expect while parenting an 11-year-old girl and...
What Should My Child Be Doing at 2 Years?
At two years old, developmental milestones are directed at behaviors that can display a range of cognitive and physical...
What Should My Child Be Doing at 3 Years Old?
A three-year-old has transitioned from being a toddler to a preschooler. At three years old, your child will make up stories,...
When Can I Make a Baby Sit?
Most babies can sit at about 9 months and may be able to get in and out of a sitting posture with a little support. Learn about...
When Does Taking Care of a Newborn Get Easier?
As your newborn passes through the milestones of learning to self-soothe, outgrowing colic, and sleeping through the night,...
When Should I Be Concerned About My Sick Baby?
There are several serious symptoms and signs, like fever and vomiting, you should never ignore in your baby. Although there may...
When Should a Baby Stop Using a Bottle?
Toddlers can become attached to their bottles because it provides a sense of comfort and security in addition to providing...
When Should You Worry About Your Baby's Poop?
You may need to worry about your baby's poop when it is abnormal in terms of consistency, color, quantity, and other factors....
When Should I Be Concerned About My Newborn's Jaundice?
If your baby is healthy, mild jaundice is usually not a cause for concern. Learn about signs to look for with newborn jaundice...
Why Do Babies Struggle Pooping?
When it comes to pooping and babies, you should be concerned with frequency and consistency. Babies may struggle with pooping due...
Why Does Teenage Rebellion Happen?
Teenage rebellion is a leading cause of conflict between parents and their teenagers. Teen rebellion happens due to their brain...
Why Is Autism Increasing Dramatically?
ASD includes a broad spectrum of disorders that affects social skills, speech, movement, learning, cognition, mood and behavior....
Why Is My Child's Hair Falling Out?
Hair loss in children isn’t uncommon. Causes include conditions such as tinea capitis, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and...
Why Is Preschool Sleep Important?
Sleep plays a crucial role in the overall development of a child. Preschool sleep is important because it enhances thinking,...
Why Is Stepparenting Harder Than Parenting?
You may find stepparenting harder than parenting because you expect too much, as many stepparents do. You may believe that love...
Why Is Williams Syndrome Called the Happy Syndrome?
People with Williams syndrome often have outgoing, friendly personalities and tend to be very social. Check out the center below...
Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is a genetic disorder that is characterized by distinctive facial features, intellectual disabilities,...
Yeast Infection vs. Diaper Rash in Infants, Toddlers, and Children
Diaper rash in infants, babies, toddlers, and children is caused by Candida, the most common type of fungus. Signs and symptoms...
Multimedia: Slideshows, Images & Quizzes
What Are The 8 Most Important Things a Parent Can Teach a Child?
Every child needs to learn these valuable life skills from their parents, including topics from dealing with adversity to cooking...
What Are the Symptoms of ADHD in Kids? Tests, Medication
What is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? Learn to recognize ADHD symptoms in children....
ADHD in Children: Understanding, Discipline and Better Parenting
ADHD is a common disorder seen in children. Parents can learn tips and techniques to teach children life skills, coping...
Ear Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Learn about the causes and symptoms of ear infections and how they are diagnosed and treated. Read about treatments such as ear...
Autism Signs in Children: What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
What is autism? Learn about the signs, symptoms, and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Get information about the causes of...
Newborn Quiz: Baby Care Facts
Take the Babies Quiz to learn what milestones and developments you can expect from your baby’s first year....
Picture of Baby Acne
Pink pimples ("neonatal acne") are often caused by exposure in the womb to maternal hormones. See a picture of Baby Acne and...
Baby's First Year: Milestones Month by Month
When do babies learn to crawl? Start teething? Learn about major milestones in your baby's first months. Get tips on how to help...
Feeding Baby Year 1: Starting Solids With Baby Food in Pictures
These nutritious foods are great for your baby's first year, and include cereal and baby food. Our experts offer tips on starting...
Get the Facts About Bottle Feeding and Infant Formula
Do you need to warm a bottle? What's the best way to burp your baby? Find out what you need to know about bottle feeding and...
Your Child's First Year of Development
What developmental milestones can you expect to see during baby's first year? Find out when babies learn to smile, laugh, crawl,...
Baby Skin Care: Tips to Keep Newborn’s Skin Healthy
Baby skin care products can help with peeling, rashes, baby acne, and dryness that can develop on a newborn baby's skin. Develop...
Picture of Baby Yeast Infections
Thrush is a yeast infection that causes white patches in the mouth and on the tongue. See a picture of Baby Yeast Infections and...
Newborn Skin-Care: Rashes, Umbilical Cord Care, Bathing & Baby Products
See what normal newborn skin looks like and learn how to care for it. WebMD shows you diapering and bathing tips....
Better Ways to Feed Your Baby
What tips and tricks help you introduce healthy foods to your baby's diet. Learn techniques for feeding that work for infants and...
Blood Disorders: What Is Sickle Cell Disease
This is a slideshow about sickle cell disease. It’s an inherited blood disorder that leads to a shortage of red blood cells. It...
10 Common Symptoms in Infants and Young Toddlers
Watch this slideshow to see common symptoms and home treatment for infant and childhood illnesses including fever, nausea,...
Childhood Obesity Quiz: Test Your Medical IQ
Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Take the Childhood Obesity Quiz to test your knowledge of the facts and...
Children's Health: Gross Stuff Kids Do - Will It Hurt Them?
Do your kids have habits that gross you out? WebMD looks at some of the disgusting things kids commonly do....
Childhood Diseases: Measles, Mumps, & More
Is your child at risk for these childhood diseases? Know when to call the doctor for conditions such as measles, mumps, ringworm,...
Children's Health: 11 Pictures of Common Skin Rashes
What causes skin rashes in children? See which chemicals in your home could be causing your child's skin rash, irritated skin,...
Picture of Cradle Cap
Cradle cap (also called seborrheic dermatitis) is a rash that begins as scaling and redness on a baby's scalp. See a picture of...
Picture of Diaper Rash
Almost every baby will get diaper rash at least once during the first 3 years of life, with the majority of these babies 9-12...
What Are the Do's and Don'ts For a Newborn Baby?
First-time parents caring for a newborn baby? Learn what to do and what not to do for your brand new child....
Quick Tips to Feed a Picky Eater With Pictures
Discover these quick tips for feeding a picky eater. See the problems found with picky eaters and learn parenting strategies to...
Picture of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Mouth 1
Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease – Triggered by coxsackievirus infection, hand, foot & mouth causes blistering of the hands, feet and...
Picture of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Mouth 2
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common viral infection in children. Symptoms include...
Picture of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Foot
Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Foot – Triggered by coxsackievirus infection, hand, foot & mouth causes blistering of the hands,...
Picture of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Hand 1
This common and benign viral disease of childhood is usually caused by the A16 strain of coxsackievirus, although other strains...
Picture of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Hand 2
Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Hand – Triggered by coxsackievirus infection, hand, foot & mouth causes blistering of the hands,...
Lice & Nits: How to Get Rid of Head Lice
Learn how to get rid of head lice. Lice attach themselves to the scalp and feed off of human blood. Discover head lice symptoms...
Healthy Living: Health Dos & Don'ts of Buying Used
You can get good deals on some things, but used is not always the way to go. Find out when secondhand is probably fine and when...
How Can I Be A Good Parent to My Baby?
What to know about being a good parent to your new baby. Learn more about what babies need and how you can provide it....
How to Diaper Your Baby
With plenty of chances to diaper your newborn baby, these step-by-step tips will help you master the art of diaper changing and...
Parenting: How Can Parents Encourage Independence and Learning in Their Children?
What to know about your child's growth and development. Learn more about how to encourage independence and learning in your child....
Picture of Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
Juvenile xanthogranulomas (JXG) are raised skin lumps that are usually red, orange or tan at first, but over time may become more...
Picture of Kawasaki's Disease
Kawasaki's disease. Kawasaki’s disease usually affects children younger than 5 years old, causing a rash over the body and...
Top 10 Parenting Mistakes- Children, Infants, Toddlers
Parenting a child isn't easy. Explore the top 10 mistakes that new parents make. Discover newborn parenting tips for...
How to Get Rid of Nausea and Vomiting
What is nausea? Do you want to know how to get rid of nausea and how to stop vomiting? Learn home remedies for nausea,...
Parenting: 7 Signs You Might Be A Helicopter Parent
There’s a fine line between hovering and healthy support when raising kids. Discover 7 Signs of Helicopter Parenting, with tips...
Parenting: Baby Proofing Essentials
Learn how to keep curious fingers away from everyday hazards in your home. This WebMD slideshow helps you see where you need to...
10 Tips to Soothe Your Crying or Colicky Baby
Learn top parenting tricks for calming crying, colicky, and fussy newborns and babies....
Life After Baby Arrives: What You Didn't Realize
What are surprises new parents when they bring a baby home? Learn about infant sleep, getting help, adult relationships, and...
Exercise Tips for Kids and the Whole Family
Exercise is great for kids, and fun activities for the whole family are there if you know how to find them. Learn how to lose...
Parenting Guide: Healthy Eating for Kids
How do you get your kids to eat vegetables? Are your kids eating a balanced diet? Follow these tips to teach your kids how to...
Parenting Guide: Healthy Principles That Work
Good parenthood isn't magical. It takes learning, dedication, and hard work. Learn how to set rules, offer love, and discipline...
How Can Parents Deal With Temper Tantrums?
Tantrums are common with toddlers as they try to become independent and control their wants and needs. See these tips on how...
Teenager Health: What are 8 Personal Hygiene Best Practices for Teens?
What to know about teen hygiene best practices. Learn the benefits of following personal hygiene best practices....
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Symptoms, Vaccine Facts
Whooping cough (Bordetella pertussis) is a highly contagious bacterial infection. Vaccines and antibiotics could prevent whooping...
Top Reasons Your Child Can't Sleep, Including You
From snoring and nightmares to sleep apnea and even you, see the bad habits that are keeping your child up all night....
Picture of Salmon Patch on Newborn
Salmon Patch on Newborn. Salmon patches are irregularly shaped pink, red, or purple marks that generally appear on the face or...
Picture of Sucking Blister
Sometimes newborns can get suckling blisters on their lips because of the vigorous sucking action they have as they are being...
Teen Drug Abuse: Warning Signs, Statistics, and Facts
Teen drug abuse is a growing concern today. Learn statistics, facts, warning signs, and effects related to teen substance abuse...
Teen Drama: Handling Mean Girls, Cyber Bullying, and Texting
Here are tips on dealing with teen dating, sexting, cyber bullying, mean girls, periods, bad breath, and more as health experts...
Teen Health: Girl to Woman -- Your Changing Body
See these signs of puberty for young girls. WebMD offers a slideshow depicting what happens during puberty including acne, breast...
These Are the 10 Things Every Child Needs
What to know about what children need to thrive. Learn the 10 things you can do to help your child become happy and successful....
Your Toddler: Typical Second-Year Milestones With Pictures
Your child's second year is full of toddler milestone such as running, climbing, kicking a ball, and more. Discover child...
Brain Foods: Healthy Food for Kids' Brains
Use this brain foods list to make your child smarter and healthier with these brain-boosting meals! Developing brains needs the...
Picture of Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis is an uncommon benign pustular condition presenting in newborn infants. It is also known as...
Picture of Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis (TNPM), also called pustular melanosis, is a harmless skin condition that appears in...
Picture of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) occurs in identical twins or multiples when the blood vessels of the babies’ shared...
Tips For Raising Healthy Kids
Healthy kids' snacks and meals help your child develop a positive relationship with nutritious food. Teach your kids how to eat...
What are 8 Personal Hygiene Best Practices
What are the most important hygiene steps for teens? Learn to manage body odor, smelly feet, and body hair. Find out what the...
Treatment & Diagnosis
- Adenoidectomy
- Apgar Score
- Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding
- Childhood Vaccination Schedule
- Circumcision
- Detecting Hearing Loss in Children
- How Is Circumcision Done?
- Why Is Meconium Ileus Diagnostic for Cystic Fibrosis?
- Newborn Infant Hearing Screening
- Otoplasty
- Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
- Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Surgery
- What Does A Heel Stick Test For?
- What Does a Positive PKU Test Mean?
- Which Cannula Is Used in Pediatrics?
- Why Would a Newborn Need a Ventilator?
- Age Appropriate Halloween Tips for Kids
- Genetics: What Are Little Boys & Girls Made Of?
- Are Poinsettia Plants Poisonous? Fact or Fiction?
- Can I Treat ADHD Without Medication?
- Can You Outgrow ADHD?
- Colic Remedies to Comfort Your Baby
- Cryptosporidium Symptoms and Treatment
- Kid's Early TV = Poor Attention Later
- Fifth Disease: Fathoming Fifth Disease
- Huffing: Is Your Child or Teen Huffing (Inhalant Abuse)?
- Kiss of Death Growth Disorder (Ubiquitin)
- Lead Poisoning Symptoms
- 9 Common Newborn Screening Tests
- Noonan Syndrome Diagnosis
- Parenting with Love and Logic
- Paternity Test
- Respiratory Virus (RSV) Strikes More Infants
- The Hygiene Hypothesis
- Toddler Health - Are Bowed Legs Normal?
- Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Symptoms?
- What Are the Side Effects of Strattera?
Medications & Supplements
Prevention & Wellness
- 7 Hidden Lead Sources Lurking in Your Home
- Are Pacifiers Good or Bad for Newborns?
- Are Pillows Safe for Toddlers?
- Can 14-Year-Old Boys Build Muscle?
- Can Babies Eat Avocado Every Day?
- How Long Can Breast Milk Sit Out Before It Needs to Be Refrigerated?
- Can Children Die by Holding Their Breath?
- Can Kids Go on a Juice Diet?
- Can Kids Take Melatonin Every Night?
- Can Melatonin Cause Behavior Problems?
- Can Yelling at a Child Be Harmful?
- Can You Increase Your Child's IQ?
- Can You Use Listerine to Kill Lice?
- Childhood Biting
- What Are the Developmental Milestones for a 6-Year-Old?
- What Are the Developmental Milestones for a 7-Year-Old?
- Do I Need to Burp My Baby After Breastfeeding?
- Do Premature Babies Hit Milestones Later?
- Does Dirt Have Germs?
- Growth Charts
- How Can a Teen Build Muscle Fast?
- How Can a Teen Get a Fast Metabolism?
- How Can a Teenage Girl Lose Weight Fast?
- How Can I Improve My Baby's Hair Texture?
- How Can I Increase My Baby’s IQ?
- How Can I Keep My Baby Cool in the Car Seat?
- How Can I Make My Child Intelligent?
- How Can I Make My Child’s Brain Sharp?
- How Do Cell Phones Affect a Child's Brain?
- How Do I Change My Baby's Body Clock?
- How Do I Deal With My 14-Year-Old Son?
- How Do I Get My Kids to Sleep Without Fighting?
- How Do I Help My Teenager With Hygiene?
- How Do I Reset My Baby's Body Clock?
- How Do I Transition My Baby From Bottle to Cup?
- How Do I Wake Up My Child for School?
- How Do You Deal With Difficult Bedtime Behavior?
- How Do You Discipline a Defiant Teenager?
- How Do You Explain Herbs to Kids?
- How Do You Help a Newborn with Gas?
- How Do You Know if Your Child Is Spoiled?
- How Do You Stop Diarrhea in Babies?
- How Do You Treat a Rash on a Child?
- How Does a 15-Year-Old Boy Typically Develop?
- How Long Do Babies Need to Eat? Every 3 Hours?
- How Long Does the Average Mom Breastfeed?
- How Long Does It Take to Break a Thumb-Sucking Habit?
- How Long Should a Newborn Stay Home After Birth?
- How Long Should You Pump for Breast Milk?
- How Much Should a 2-Year-Old Eat?
- How Much Sleep Do Kids Need by Age?
- How Should I Be Pumping?
- How Tall Will My Child Be? Height Predictor
- How Do You Accommodate a Child With Autism in the Classroom?
- How Do You Discipline a 2-Year-Old Who Does Not Listen?
- How Do You Know if Your Parents Are Too Controlling?
- How Would You Describe Your Toddler’s Personality?
- What's the Difference Between Infants' Tylenol and Children's Tylenol?
- Is a 9-Pound Baby Big?
- Is a Temperature of 35 C Normal for a Baby?
- Is Baby Poop Full of Germs?
- Is It Bad to Stimulate a Baby to Poop?
- Is It Harder to Raise Twins?
- Is It Safe to Give Your Kid Melatonin?
- Is Karo Syrup Safe for Babies?
- Is Soy Milk OK for Toddlers?
- Potty Training
- 17 Things to Buy for Your Newborn
- Is It Normal for a 7-Year-Old to Sleep With Their Parents?
- Should You Wake a Sleeping Baby to Feed?
- What Is Social and Emotional Development in Preschoolers?
- Teen: Child Development
- Temper Tantrums
- What Are the 4 Stages of Piaget's Cognitive Development?
- The Feingold Diet: Food List, Effectiveness, and Safety
- Toddler Food Guidelines
- Tween: Child Development
- What Affects a Baby's Growth?
- What Age Can a Child Stay Home Alone With a Sibling?
- What Age Should a Child Sleep in Their Own Bed?
- What Age Should You Stop Wetting the Bed?
- What Are Normal Vital Signs for a 7-Year-Old?
- What Are the Effects of Child Abuse?
- What Are the Emotional Impacts of Cyberbullying?
- What Are the Development Milestones for an 8-Year-Old?
- What Are the Most Common Childhood Fears?
- What Are the Signs of a Troubled Child?
- What Are the Signs of Secondary Drowning?
- What Are Typical Behaviors of a Child?
- What Baby Food Should I Introduce First?
- What Can You Give a Child for a Stuffy Nose?
- What Causes Delayed Walking in Babies?
- What Chores Should a 12-Year-Old Do?
- What Diseases Can You Get From a Hot Tub?
- What Do I Do When My Toddler Wakes Up Too Early?
- What Do You Do When Your 2-Year-Old Won't Nap?
- What Do You Do When Your Child Won't Drink Water?
- What Foods Should Be Avoided With Autism?
- What Influences Your Growth?
- What Is Acetyl-L-Carnitine Good For?
- What Is an Example of Permissive Parenting?
- What Is Normal Behavior for a 12-Year-Old Boy?
- What Is Normal Behavior for a 13-Year-Old Boy?
- What Is Normal Behavior for a 13-Year-Old Girl?
- What Is the Best Homemade Baby Food?
- What Is the Healthiest Drink Besides Water?
- What Is the Most Dangerous Game Parents Must Know?
- What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for an Infant?
- What Should a 9-Month-Old Baby Be Doing?
- What Should an 8-Month-Old Baby Be Doing?
- What Temperature Is OK for a Newborn Outside?
- What Should I Do When My Daughter Starts Her Period?
- What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to Children's Brains?
- What Types of Pediatric Surgeons Are There?
- What Weird Things Do Kids Do?
- What Weird Things Do Toddlers Do?
- When Do Babies Say Their First Word?
- When Should We Start Tummy Time With Baby?
- At What Age Should Your Parents Stop Controlling You?
- When Should I Start Teaching My Child to Read and Write?
- Why Do Babies Get Fever When Teething?
- Why Is Inclined Sleep Dangerous for Babies?
- Why Is My Baby So Hot Without Fever?
- Why Is My Child Rude and Disrespectful?
- Why Is My Child Such a Jerk?
- Why Is My Child Throwing Up with No Fever?
- Will Mixing Formula Hurt My Baby?
- Will My Baby's Flat Head Correct by Itself?
- Young Child Development (6-8 Years Old)