What Is the Fastest Way to Heal a Jammed Finger? Home Remedies

what is the fastest way to heal a jammed finger
If you jam your finger, treatment depends on the severity of the injury. A minor injury can be treated at home with a few simple remedies

If you jam your finger, treatment depends on the severity of the injury. A minor injury can be treated at home with a few simple remedies. However, the severe injury needs medical attention or may even require surgery. 

Home remedies that can help heal a minor finger injury include:

  • Ice: Ice the area immediately for 15-20 minutes. You can even dip your finger in ice water. Repeat this every 2-3 hours for the first few days following the injury. Applying cold compress has the following advantages:
    • Reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling in the injured muscles, joints, and connective tissues
    • Slow bleeding in case of a tear
  • Compression: Compress the area with an elastic bandage to reduce swelling. Do not wrap it too tightly to obstruct blood circulation. 
  • Finger splint: Wrap the injured finger to the adjacent finger using self-adhesive tape, so that the healthy finger acts as a splint for the injured one. For example, if your index finger is jammed, wrap your index finger to the middle finger to protect the finger from pain and further injury. This procedure is called buddy-strapping.
  • Surgical splint: Use surgical splints to keep your finger still and prevent further injury. Splints are the best option if you notice that your finger is out of the joint.
  • Elevation: Elevate the injured area above your heart level, especially at night, to reduce swelling due to gravity.
  • Protection: Protect the injured area from pain and further injury.
  • Rest: Rest and avoid activities that may aggravate pain or swelling in the injured finger.
  • Medications: Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen to alleviate pain and discomfort. 

People with vascular disease, diabetes or decreased sensation should talk to their physician before applying ice.

Once the injury is completely healed, engage in physiotherapist-supervised exercise or physical therapy to regain full motion of the injured finger. 

When should you see a doctor?

You should contact a doctor if you experience:

  • Severe pain in the finger
  • Inability to bend or straighten fingers
  • Swelling in the finger that lasts for hours or days

These are the signs of a fractured finger and need immediate medical attention.

What are types of jammed finger injuries?

When you jam a finger, the tip of your finger is compressed toward your hand. Due to this compression, the ligaments supporting the joints are stretched or sprained. Ligaments are soft tissues that connect two bones and can tear if the compression is severe. 

The severity of the sprain may depend on the force of the injury:

  • Grade 1: Ligaments get stretched, but no tear found.
  • Grade 2: Ligaments get partially torn and may involve some loss of function.
  • Grade 3: Ligaments get torn completely or are pulled off from its attachment to the bone.


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