What Is the Average Time It Takes to Run a 5K?

what is the average time it takes to run a 5k
On average, many runners complete a 5K run in 25-35 minutes, although this varies depending on age, gender, fitness level, and more

On average, many runners complete a 5K run in 25-35 minutes. Many factors can influence your 5K run finish time, including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Fitness level
  • Weather
  • Course elevation
  • Running cadence and stride length
  • Dehydration quotient
  • Mood on the day of the race

Average 5K times by sex, ability, and experience

Statistics for average 5K finish times are as follows:

  • Male novice runners: 30-40 minutes on average
  • Female novice runners: 35-45 minutes on average
  • Male 5K race winners typically finish in about 16 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Female 5K race winners finish in about 19 minutes and 12 seconds
  • Extremely fast runners may be able to finish in less than 20 minutes
  • World records for an outdoor 5K run in 2020: 
    • Men: 12 minutes and 51 seconds 
    • Women: 14 minutes and 44 seconds

If those finish times seem out of reach, keep in mind that it can take years of training to be a competitive runner. Taking one race at a time with dedication, consistency, and commitment to hard work can all help you improve your personal best 5K time. 

A 5K run isn't a marathon, but it's also not a sprint. If you are a beginner, it's unlikely that you'll be able to maintain your fastest mile pace for the entire duration of the race.

How to train for a 5K run

Although a 5K run may seem like a relatively short distance, it requires very specific workouts. Running fitness has three categories: speed, endurance, and race-specific fitness. Balancing all three is crucial to achieve your best 5k run time.


  • Strides will help you get faster: Strides are accelerations of about 100 m. You begin with a gentle jog, gradually increase to about 95% of your maximum speed and come to a complete stop. Each stride should last between 20-30 seconds. Strides can be done after an easy run 2-3 times per week.
  • Hill sprints allow you to run even faster: Once you're comfortable running strides, you can move to hill sprints, a more advanced type of speed training. These are sprints of 8-12 seconds at maximum effort up a steep hill with full walking recovery in between. Hill sprints are more advanced and should be attempted only by runners who are accustomed to running quickly. However, once you begin, hill sprints can help you build injury resistance, improve neuromuscular control, and help you develop the ability to run at top speed.


Gradually building up endurance can prepare you for race day. Depending on your ability, try running a consistent, long distance in the 7-10 mile range. More competitive runners will want to go for a much longer run. It all comes down to efficiency, which can only be achieved through long training runs.


  • Weekly mileage: The number of miles you run each week is your weekly mileage. The more you run, the more endurance you will build. Even a 20% increase in mileage can result in significant fitness gains that can help you run faster.
  • General consistency: Small increases in mileage that add up over time and gradually contribute to your fitness. A mile or two added to your long run and a few more on your weekly schedule may not seem difficult, but they will dramatically improve your endurance over time.


Pictures of the 7 Most Effective Exercises to Do at the Gym or Home (and Tips to Improve Form) See Slideshow

What should you eat to prepare for a 5K run?

Lack of calories and/or an unbalanced diet can leave you exhausted and panting for air during a run. With two energy sources—complex carbohydrates and fats—your muscles can perform at their peak. 

Carbohydrates should account for 60%-65% of a runner's calorie intake. Important carbohydrates to include:

  • Whole grain cereal, pasta, and bread
  • Dairy and yogurt (probiotics)

Stored fat is an excellent source of energy. Unlike carbs, however, eating a high-fat meal before a run is pointless because your body will take a long time to convert it to usable energy. Incorporating fat into your diet by making sure to regularly consume a healthy balance of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Examples include:

  • Coconut oil
  • Poultry with the skin
  • Eggs
  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Monounsaturated fat
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Almonds and walnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Avocados
  • Whole milk
  • Olive oil

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5K run: 7-week training schedule for beginners: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/5k-run/art-20050962

WHAT IS THE AVERAGE TIME OF A 5K? ttps://sport-net.org/what-is-the-average-time-of-a-5k/