What Is Magnolia Bark Good For? 6 Potential Benefits

Medically Reviewed on 9/22/2022
What Is Magnolia Bark Good For
Learn about the potential health benefits and side effects of magnolia bark

Magnolia bark (Magnolia officinalis) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat anxiety, sleep problems, and digestive issues.

Magnolia bark is known for its neuroprotective and relaxing properties because it is rich in honokiol and magnolol, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Learn about the potential health benefits and side effects of magnolia bark.

6 potential health benefits of magnolia bark

1. May reduce stress and anxiety

Magnolia bark has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety

In a 2022 study, a supplement containing magnolia bark and phellodendron bark (Phellodendron amurense) was used in 56 people who were moderately stressed. Salivary cortisol, a stress indicator, was decreased by 18% by the herb combination compared with a placebo. The combination also improved the mood of people who took the supplement.

In another study, the same magnolia/philodendron mixture was proven to lower anxiety in premenopausal female adults. Although anxiety was temporarily reduced, there was no lasting effect after participants stopped using the blend.

Researchers have also tested the anxiolytic properties of honokiol, an isolated active component of magnolia bark, on anxious mice in an animal study. Honokiol was discovered to lower the mice's anxiety levels without impairing their ability to move. The extract was able to control brain protein levels that are an indication of anxious behavior. 

2. May improve sleep

Magnolia bark may help improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety.

In one animal study, honokiol was found to enhance sleep duration and reduce the time needed for the mice to fall asleep. The ability of honokiol to lessen stress and anxiety was responsible for these results, according to researchers.

In a different study on the effects of magnolol, researchers observed similar results. The mice took less time to fall asleep when given magnolol and spent longer periods in deep sleep.

The effectiveness of magnolia bark for promoting sleep needs to be confirmed by human clinical trials.

3. May support gut health

Magnolia bark promotes digestion and gut health. 

In one animal study, magnolia bark extracts improved and balanced intestinal bacterial levels in mice. The extract also increased the mice’s bowel movement regularity.

Another study found that mice receiving 30 to 120 mg of magnolia bark extract daily experienced healing of stomach ulcers due to a reduction in inflammation.

Although magnolia bark may support healthy gut flora, large-scale human studies are needed to confirm these effects in humans.

4. May improve weight loss

Magnolia bark may promote weight loss by reducing stress.

In a clinical experiment, Magnolia officinalis extract (MOE) exerted a weight loss effect on healthy, overweight, premenopausal women who had a tendency to overeat when stressed. Researchers discovered that MOE reduced evening cortisol levels, a stress indicator, which resulted in a reduction in nighttime snacking.

Another study reported that people who experienced moderate stress consumed fewer calories as a result of taking a supplement that contains magnolia bark. Participants who took 500 mg per day (250 mg in the morning and 250 mg in the evening) experienced better weight loss.

5. May have anticancer properties

In higher doses, magnolia bark may have anticancer properties, although studies to prove this benefit are lacking. 

In a preventative animal study, honokiol was successful in preventing the growth of skin cancer. According to researchers, the anticancer properties of magnolia bark were caused by its capacity to activate specific proteins.

Laboratory tests have also demonstrated the antitumor effects of active magnolia bark components. In one study, the combination of honokiol and tumor radiotherapy reduced lung tumors by 78%

In vitro and in vivo studies have reported that honokiol may prevent the growth of breast cancer cells and enhance the effects of other breast cancer treatments. Another in vitro experiment that used honokiol on oral cancer cells had positive outcomes. Honokiol was able to inhibit cell proliferation while inducing cancer cell death.

Although initial lab research suggests that magnolia bark components, particularly honokiol, may aid in the prevention of cancer, more extensive research is needed to confirm whether magnolia bark is beneficial in preventing cancer.

6. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

Researchers discovered that both magnolol and honokiol induced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. At concentrations of 1 and 10 g/mL, the bark extract of Magnolia officinalis proved effective in lowering the release of inflammatory chemicals, and magnolignan B had the strongest antioxidative potential.

What are the possible side effects of magnolia?

Most healthy adults typically tolerate magnolia bark well. In rare cases, however, the following side effect may occur:

Before taking magnolia bark supplements, the following people should speak with a doctor:

  • Pregnant or nursing women: Magnolia bark should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • Surgery patients: Magnolia bark can impair the ability of the central nervous system to function when combined with anesthesia and other drugs used in surgery. Additionally, magnolia bark can reduce blood coagulation. Therefore, it is recommended to stop taking magnolia at least 2 weeks before a planned surgery.

What is the best way to take magnolia bark?

Magnolia bark is water-soluble and can be added to water, juice, or a smoothie.

The recommended daily dosage for magnolia bark extract is 250-500 mg. The most popular treatment options for various conditions are bark decoction, pills, and TCM/Kampo mixtures. 

However, since long-term studies on magnolia bark are lacking, it is best to exercise caution before taking any supplement to treat an underlying condition. Always check with your doctor before making any dietary changes or introducing a new supplement to your regimen.


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Medically Reviewed on 9/22/2022
Image Source: Getty images

What are the health benefits of magnolia bark https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/what-are-health-benefits-magnolia-bark#:~:text=may%20relieve%20stress%20and%20anxiety,20%20and%2050%20years%20old.?

Magnolia - uses, side effects, and more https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-188/magnolia

Biological activity and toxicity of the chinese herb magnolia officinalis rehder & e. Wilson (houpo) and its constituents https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5365644/

Effect of magnolia officinalis and phellodendron amurense (relora®) on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3750820/

6 magnolia bark benefits: dosage & safety https://botanicalinstitute.org/magnolia-bark/