What Is Babassu Oil Good For?

Medically Reviewed on 8/31/2022
Babassu Oil
Babassu oil has a soft nutty aroma and a mild taste.

Babassu oil is primarily used for skin and hair care, but it can also be used in foods and as a cooking oil.

Babassu oil is a nutrient-rich, edible oil made from cold-pressing the nut of the babassu palm tree (Attalea speciosa), a native to the rain forests of South America. This multipurpose tree has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for construction materials, food, and cosmetic products.

What is babassu oil?

Babassu is a clear lightweight, yellow vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the babassu palm, most commonly found in Northern Brazil.

It is also known as:

  • Babassu wax
  • Babassu butter
  • Cusi oil

All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, including the leaves, roots, and fruit.

This palm fruit oil has antioxidants and healthy fatty acids and has properties similar to those of coconut oil. Hence, it is increasingly being used as a substitute for coconut oil.

Babassu oil has a soft nutty aroma and a mild taste. It is solid (creamy white) at room temperature but softens to a liquid (yellow) when in a warmer environment or applied to the skin.

What is the nutritional information about babassu oil?

Table 1. Nutrients in one tablespoon of babassu oil.
Nutrient Amount
Calories 120
Fat 14 grams
Protein 0 grams
Carbs 0 grams
Sugar 0 grams

Additionally, babassu oil is a good source of:

  • Vitamin E
  • Lauric fatty acid (50 percent)
  • Myristic fatty acid (20 percent)
  • Palmitic fatty acid (11 percent)
  • Oleic fatty acid (10 percent)
  • Stearic fatty acid (3.5 percent)

What is babassu oil used for?

Numerous uses of babassu oil include its ability to:

  • increase energy,
  • lower cholesterol levels,
  • prevent inflammation,
  • moisturize the skin,
  • repair hair damage,
  • eliminate body odor,
  • improve the health of the nails and cuticles,
  • slow down the aging process, and
  • speed up healing in the body.

Different parts of the babassu palm tree have been used to make fuel, food such as flour, oil, building materials, and mats.

Moreover, it is used in cleaners and skin products such as soaps and cosmetics.

The oil has become a popular addition to many commercial beauty products, including lotions, creams, balms, body butter, and hair conditioners.

Babassu oil is turned into biofuel that can be used as an alternative to diesel fuel.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

7 potential health benefits of babassu oil

Most research on babassu oil shows support for a few key benefits including:

  1. Helps in wound healing and skin care:
    • Babassu oil contains antioxidants and a huge amount of healthy fatty acids primarily lauric, oleic, and myristic acids.
    • Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which helps keep wounds clean and in a healing process.
    • Babassu oil helps improve skin texture and reduce the bacteria that cause acne
    • Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat that has anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and moisturizing properties and is widely used as an ingredient in skin care products.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties:
  3. Lowers cholesterol levels:
    • Research studies have reported that short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids in the babassu oil support healthy cholesterol levels by increasing high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol.
    • In addition, lauric acid and other medium-chain fatty acids are more readily metabolized by the liver instead of being stored as fat, thus promoting a better metabolism and faster weight loss.
  4. Moisturizes skin and hair:
    • Babassu oil has hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe inflammation, hydrate the hair and skin, and promote skin healing.
    • Lauric and myristic acids in babassu oil act as an effective emollient, which can be an excellent addition to hair and skin care formulations.
    • It contains a high amount of vitamin E and antioxidants and acts as a natural hydrator for the hair and scalp, which help the scalp and hair repair damage from everyday toxins and stressors.
    • Hydration provided by babassu oil helps add moisture to the hair, resulting in shinier, healthier-looking hair.
  5. Promotes healthy nails and cuticles:
    • Babassu oil is rich in vitamin E, which is one of the main nutrients responsible for skin and nail health.
    • It works to soften cuticles and strengthen nails by providing them with an infusion of nutrient-rich moisture.
  6. Boosts cognitive function:
    • The antioxidant effects of myristic acid and lauric acid make them potent brain boosters, prevent plaque deposition, keep memory sharp, and provide a strong concentration power.
  7. Increases energy levels:
    • Shorter-chain fatty acids found in babassu oil are converted directly into energy rather than being deposited as fat for later use, which releases ketones, an energy booster for the brain.

What are the potential risks of babassu oil?

Although you may experience certain health benefits from babassu oil, here are some potential risks of babassu oil:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
    • Most experts do not recommend using this oil during pregnancy because it can have stimulating effects on the body and hormone levels.
    • The safest course of action is to avoid consuming or applying babassu oil if you are pregnant or nursing a child.
  • Allergic reactions:
    • The topical use of babassu oil can irritate some people, particularly if they have sensitive skin. This can appear as redness, itchiness, swelling, or inflammation.
  • Thyroid interaction:
    • Although most people do not experience hormonal side effects if they use it in moderate amounts, excessive amounts have reported negative effects on the thyroid gland.
    • People with hypothyroidism may avoid using babassu oil.
  • Weight gain:
    • Although the health benefits are tempting and impressive, babassu oil is composed of 70 percent fat, so make sure to use this oil in moderation, or it will contribute to fat deposition and weight gain.
  • Bleeding and surgery:
    • One of the health benefits of babassu oil is reducing blood clotting. Hence, if you are undergoing surgery shortly, take blood thinners, or already have a bleeding disorder, this anticoagulant property could prove to be dangerous.

How to use babassu oil

For cooking

  • You can use the oil in place of butter, and it is perfect for stir-frying vegetables. 
  • In any recipe that calls for coconut oil, you can substitute babassu oil, or use a mixture of the two.

For hair

  • You can add half a teaspoon to your shampoo and conditioner to increase the moisturizing effects.

As carrier oil for essential oils

  • Gently heat babassu oil by standing the tub in a bowl of warm water, then pour out some oil and use it as you would any other carrier oil.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/31/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Dan Brennan Babassu Oil: Are There Health Benefits? WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/diet/babassu-oil-health-benefits#:~:text=Potential%20Health%20Benefits%20of%20Babassu%20Oil,-While%20there%20are&text=Lauric%20acid%20is%20a%20medium,the%20bacteria%20that%20cause%20acne.

In Vitro and In Vivo Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Babassu Oil NIH: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7532363/

Babassu Oil Science Direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/babassu-oil

10 Wonderful Benefits & Uses Of Babassu Oil Organic Facts: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/oils/babassu-oil.html