What Is Avena Sativa Used For?

Medically Reviewed on 8/18/2022
Avena Sativa
Avena sativa is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Avena sativa (oat) is a cereal grain. People usually eat oat seeds, bran, and straw. This cereal grain reduces cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and weight.

Oats or Avena sativa is grown worldwide and is consumed by most people because of their various health benefits.

Different parts of Avena sativa have various health benefits. It is obtained in the form of seeds (Oats), oat straw, and outer cover of seeds (oat bran).

4 parts of Avena sativa and their uses

  1. Milky seeds: These oats are harvested in the very early stage. Early harvested milky seeds are rich in minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.
  2. Mature seeds: The mature seeds are rich in minerals, such as silicon, manganese, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus, and vitamins A, B1, B2, and E.
  3. Whole oat seeds: The whole oat seeds are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, and other phytochemicals.
  4. Oat straw: These are the stems and leaves of the plant with high levels of iron, manganese, and zinc.

Nutritional value of oats

Oats are rich in antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals.

A 100-gram portion of oatmeal contains:

Table. The nutritional content of oats (100 grams)
Nutrient Amount
Water 8.86 grams
Calories 379 kcal
Proteins 13.2 grams
Total lipid or fats 6.3 grams
Carbohydrates 69.9 grams
Calcium 43 mg
Iron 4 mg
Manganese 125 mg
Phosphorus 372 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Zinc 2.75 mg
Manganese 3.26 mg
Thiamin 0.39 mg
Riboflavin 0.161 mg
Vitamin B6 0.148 mg

How to make overnight oats

  • One of the easiest and quickest recipes is to soak oats in either milk or water overnight, it will make a soft and smooth mixture, which is easy to eat and digest.
  • The one cup of overnight oats must be prepared by:
    1. Take 1 cup of oats
    2. 1 cup of water or milk or yogurt
    3. 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
    4. 1 tablespoon of sweeteners, such as honey or maple syrup, or sugar substitute
    5. Add half a cup of diced fruits, such as banana or apple
    6. Empty all the ingredients into a bowl covering the ingredients and preventing them from getting dry
    7. Refrigerate for five to six hours before eating


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

10 health benefits of Avena sativa

Avena sativa is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which have multiple health benefits.

  1. Good for a healthy heart: Evidence reports that oat grain and bran contain beta gluten soluble fiber, which lowers the cholesterol level, particularly low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  2. Can improve blood sugar levels: Oats help lower blood sugar levels, particularly in people who are overweight or have type II diabetes. They might help with insulin sensitivity.
  3. Antioxidant effects: Various researchers have proved that oats are rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, vitamin E, and phenolic acids. All these antioxidants help to prevent cell damage and chronic diseases.
  4. Improves sexual health:
    • Oats are rich in B vitamins which may help increase testosterone levels in men.
    • This can help with infertility and increased sexual drive, especially in older men.
    • The intake of Avena sativa can improve sexual health in women.
  5. Improves mental health:
  6. Helps get rid of addiction:
    • A few Ayurveda practitioners in India used Avena sativa as a medicine to get rid of nicotine and opium addiction.
    • However, there is no evidence to prove this.
  7. Helps lose weight:
    • Oats are very filling. Consuming filling foods may keep you full for longer hours and food cravings.
    • In a clinical trial of weight reduction and oats, study participants with similar weight classes were divided into two groups. One group was treated with beta-glucan oat cereal and the other took a placebo.
    • After 12 weeks, those who ate oats had reduced body weight, body fat, and waist-to-hip ratio measurement. There were no adverse effects on any of the study subjects.
  8. Oats maintain digestive health:
  9. Helps treat skin disorders: Oatmeal preparations can effectively treat inflammatory skin conditions, such as dermatitis, acne, pruritus, and eczema.
  10. Improves immune system: Studies reported that beta-glucan helped white blood cells reach the site of the infection quickly and improved the white blood cell’s bacteria-killing properties.

Possible side effects of oats

Oats are good for health and safe when consumed as a part of a healthy diet. It is better to avoid raw oats. Instead, cook them or soak them either with milk or water to avoid unwanted side effects, such as bloating and indigestion.

  • The phytates in raw oats may cause a mineral deficiency in some people.
  • Although oats are naturally gluten-free, they may be contaminated with glutinous grains, such as wheat, barley, and rye. Thus, people with celiac disease must exercise caution when consuming oats.
  • Certain gut disorders may be worsened by oat consumption. Thus, it is better to consult your doctor if you have any such concerns.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/18/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Oats Benefits: Everything You Need To Know About It. https://www.fitandflexgranola.com/oats-benefits/

The Health Benefits of Oats (Avena Sativa). https://www.verywellhealth.com/oats-avena-sativa-4707610