What Does Transgender Mean in Simple Terms?

Medically Reviewed on 4/21/2022
What does transgender mean in simple terms?
Transgender people are those whose gender identity or expression is different from their assigned gender at birth.

Transgender is an umbrella term used for people whose gender expression or how they identify their gender is different from what they were assigned at birth. Transgender is more about feeling how one identifies themself inside rather than how they dress.

The exact reason why some people are transgender is not known. Many experts believe that biological variables, such as genetic effects and hormone levels, and experiences in adolescence or maturity, contribute to the development of transgender identities.

The term transgender is evolving and becoming more comprehensive and inclusive over time. Each culture has its unique way of expressing itself as a transgender.

Not all gender-nonconforming individuals identify as transgender, and not all transgender individuals identify as gender nonconforming. There are various names for different gender identities and sexualities, which all may appear similar, but they have slight differences.

Sometimes, a person's gender identity does not cleanly fall into one of two categories. According to the Human Rights Campaign, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) advocacy organization, people who consider themselves as both male and female or who do not consider themselves as any gender (neither male nor female) may identify as genderqueer.

What is a transsexual?

The terms, transgender and transsexual, are used for people who identify themselves as different-sex from what they were assigned at birth by a doctor.

Some transgender people, particularly transsexuals, are very dissatisfied with their sex at birth, physical sex traits, or the gender role associated with that sex. These people frequently seek gender-affirming therapy. A transexual person may use hormone therapy or surgery to change their appearance so that they resemble the sex they identify with.

Transsexual is a specific term that comes under the umbrella of transgenders and is of two types:

  1. Transsexual man
    • A transsexual man or “trans man” is now a man who was brought up as a girl before they identified themselves as a man. They were assigned to be a female at birth, but later, they were inclined toward masculinity and feel like a boy trapped in a girl’s body and start identifying themselves as a boy. They eventually start behaving and dressing up as a boy.
  2. Transsexual woman
    • A transsexual woman or “trans woman” is now a woman who was brought up as a boy before they identified themselves as a woman but were assigned as a male at birth. Even though brought up as a boy, they slowly incline toward femininity and behave or dress like a woman and identify themselves as a girl.

Trans people may even make bodily modifications through surgery or take hormonal therapy to change their appearance according to how they identify themselves.

How does someone know that they are transgender?

Transgender people may identify themselves at any age in many ways.

  • Some people may trace their transgender identities and sentiments all the way back to their childhood. They may experience general thoughts of "not fitting in" among others of their assigned sex, or they may have definite desires to be someone other than their assigned sex.
  • Others become conscious of their transgender identities throughout adolescence, much later in life, or begin to explore and experience gender-nonconforming attitudes and behaviors. 
  • Some people are proud of their transgender identity, whereas others may feel a bit hesitant or confused. Those who transition later in life may have fought to fit in as their assigned sex only to subsequently find themselves dissatisfied with their lifestyles.


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Medically Reviewed on 4/21/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Fields L. What It Means to Be Transgender. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/transgender-what-it-means

Planned Parenthood. Transgender Identities. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/transgender