What Are the Healthiest Soups to Lose Weight?

Medically Reviewed on 10/24/2022

Is soup healthy for you?

Soups are a healthy option for meals. The healthiest soups to lose weight include tomato soup, vegetable soup, spinach soup, and others.
Soups are a healthy option for meals. The healthiest soups to lose weight include tomato soup, vegetable soup, spinach soup, and others.

Soup is a comfort food for many. A bowl of soup can make a hearty meal for a cold winter day or a light, refreshing meal on a hot summer day. These one-pot wonders are easy to make and a great way to save money.

All you need to make soup are some of your favorite fresh or frozen vegetables, herbs, and spices. Chop up vegetables, add some broth or stock, and flavor it with herbs and spices to make a steaming and nutritious pot of soup. Add some lean meat if you like. You can also grind the vegetables and cook the puree for a comforting, thick soup. 

But is soup healthy, and can it help you lose weight?

Soups are a healthy option for meals. They can be simple and easy to make. You can prepare homemade soup or microwave store-bought canned soup. 

To make a healthy homemade soup, add nutritious vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. A delicious bowl of homemade soup can be a complete, nutritious, and balanced meal. Soup is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. It can also be low-fat or low-calorie depending on what ingredients you add.

Canned soup may not be the healthiest meal. But you can make it a healthier choice by selecting varieties with low sodium levels and combining them with wholesome additions. Just add in some fresh chopped vegetables and flavor with herbs and spices like oregano, basil, and onion or garlic powder.

Soup additives to watch out for

Some soups are more nutritious than others, depending on the nutrient value of the ingredients and your individual dietary needs. Here are some additives in homemade or canned soups that you should watch out for:

Thickeners. Thick, creamy soups may contain thickeners like heavy cream or full-fat milk. Thickeners are energy dense and rich in calories and saturated fatty acids. You can eat them once in a while. But you may need to limit them in your diet, as they can affect your body when served in large quantities.

Sodium. Canned soups and dried soups (example: noodle soups) often have a high salt content. The salt helps increase the soup’s shelf life to preserve it for longer. But consuming soups with high sodium levels over the long term can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, and kidney disease. So, read the label on the can and opt for low-sodium canned soups.

Can soups help you lose weight?

Research shows that people who have soup for meals consume less fat and more fiber and vitamins than non-soup eaters. Several studies have confirmed that having soup regularly can help you lose weight. It also reduces or maintains your waist circumference and decreases your risk of becoming overweight or obese.

Soup generally contains water in the form of broth and fiber from nutritious vegetables. The high water and fiber content make any soup a filling meal. Fiber delays stomach emptying, decreases your hunger, and keeps you full for a longer time. It lowers your calorie intake and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Adding more vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats to broth-based or tomato-based soups can help you lose weight. But adding heavy cream, full-fat milk, cheese, or butter to your soup will add excess calories and affect your weight.

What are the healthiest soups to lose weight?

You can make any soup healthy by adding your favorite nutritious ingredients. But here are seven delicious, healthy soup recipes that can help you lose weight: 

1. Tomato soup

Tomato soup is very simple to make. Make fresh tomato puree, add pepper and herbs to your taste, heat it in a pot, and serve. You can also have it cold. 

It is an all-time favorite low-calorie soup, with low levels of carbohydrates and no cholesterol. It is an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene, which improves your health. Research shows that tomato has the power to reduce weight, body fat, waist circumference, and cholesterol levels.

2. Vegetable soup

Vegetable soup is one of the heartiest and most nutritious soups. Add onions, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, peas, and other vegetables to your liking to broth, stock, or a soup base. These vegetables are packed with nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain fiber, which is good for weight loss.

3. Spinach soup

Spinach soup is a healthy and hearty meal. Blanch some spinach and add it to stock with other vegetables. You can also use spinach puree and add other vegetables, herbs, and spices to it. 

Research shows that spinach can improve weight loss in people with weight issues.  It has high levels of nutrients and fiber, which are good for your health.

4. Bean or lentil soup

Bean or lentil soup is tasty and loaded with nutrients. It’s one of the healthiest soups to lose weight. 

Beans and lentils are legumes. They are rich in protein and fiber and are low in fat. They are a great addition to soup along with some onions, carrots, garlic, and herbs. 

5. Lean meat and vegetable soup

Lean meats like chicken and turkey are a good source of protein and help maintain your weight. Add boiled chicken or turkey to the broth and flavor it with spices. Include vegetables to improve your fiber intake, stay healthy, and lose weight. 

6. Pumpkin soup

Warm pumpkin soup is the perfect comfort food for fall or winter. Pumpkin is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is low in fats and calories but is high in fiber, which makes it ideal for weight management.

7. Miso soup

Miso soup is a Japanese delicacy made with miso (fermented soybean paste). It is traditionally made with green onions, seaweed, and tofu. You can also add miso paste to other soups or stews.

Research shows that miso can reduce fat accumulation in people who eat it regularly. So, have miso soup if you’re on a low-fat diet.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

Tips to make healthy soups  

Follow these helpful tips for making healthy soups at home:

  • Make soup using seasonal vegetables. Have warm, hearty, and comforting soups in winters and cold, refreshing soups in summers.
  • Use low-sodium broth or stock for your soup. If you’re using canned soups, read the nutrition label and choose low-sodium options.
  • Add flavorful herbs and spices like pepper, ginger, garlic, onion, cumin, basil, or coriander. 
  • Use low-fat and low-calorie ingredients and garnishes. Limit the amount of cheese, cream, or bacon. Use whole-grain products instead of refined ones.
  • If you don’t have time to make soup daily, make batches of soup and freeze them to save time. Just microwave it in a bowl and have a healthy meal at your convenience.

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Medically Reviewed on 10/24/2022

British Journal of Nutrition: "Soup consumption is associated with a lower dietary energy density and a better diet quality in US adults."

Food and Nutrition Research: "Role of poultry meat in a balanced diet aimed at maintaining health and wellbeing: an Italian consensus document."

International Journal of Biosciences: "Evaluation of nutrition facts of certain vegetables for weight loss."

Iowa State University: "Three Reasons to Have Soup for Supper!"

Journal of the American College of Nutrition: "Acute Effects of a Spinach Extract Rich in Thylakoids on Satiety: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial."

Michigan State University: "Soups: Hearty, homemade nutritious and a money saver, too."

Nutrients: "Habitual Miso (Fermented Soybean Paste) Consumption Is Associated with a Low Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study."

Nutrition: "Tomato juice supplementation in young women reduces inflammatory adipokine levels independently of body fat reduction."

Physiology and Behavior: "Association between soup consumption and obesity: A systematic review with meta-analysis."

University of Delaware: "Soup Weather is Back!"

University Of Nebraska–Lincoln: "Tips for Delicious and Nutritious Soup."