What Are the Benefits of Orange Peel?

Medically Reviewed on 10/5/2022
Benefits of Orange Peel
Orange peels are loaded with antioxidants that fend off free radicals.

Oranges taste great and have a wonderfully fresh aroma. After eating oranges, most of us discard the skin, but orange peels are far too useful to be wasted. According to in vitro data from a study conducted by a scientist with the Agricultural Research Service and collaborators, orange peels are a rich source of carbohydrates with various health-promoting qualities. 

The "prebiotic" qualities of pectin, a type of carbohydrate found in orange peel, were originally demonstrated by Arland T. Hotchkiss, a carbohydrate chemist at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, PA. 

  • These oligosaccharides, commonly referred to as prebiotic carbohydrates, are present in some fruits and vegetables.
  • The term "prebiotics" refers to non-digestible meals or substances that promote the growth of "probiotic" bacteria in the large intestine.
  • Probiotic bacteria promote health and aid in the prevention of foodborne pathogen development.

What are the nutrients present in the orange peel?

According to the USDA, 100 grams of raw orange peel consist of the following nutrients:

Table. The nutritional content of raw orange peel (100 grams)
Nutrient Amount
Calories 97 Kcal
Protein 1.5 grams
Calcium 161 grams
Magnesium 22 mg
Potassium 212 mg
Vitamin C 136 mg
Folate 30 mcg
Vitamin A IU 420 IU

9 benefits of orange peel

  1. Heart health: According to researchers from the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, orange peels will alter gut flora and aid in the prevention of atherosclerosis, a condition marked by the buildup of fatty substances on the inner walls of the arteries. Trimethylamine (TMA) is created because of the breakdown of choline and carnitine by gut bacteria. TMA can then be changed to trimethylamine N-oxide by enzymes. Orange peels have elements that prevent TMA enzymes from working properly. This action will aid in preventing atherosclerosis. Researchers will combine animal studies and enzyme tests to evaluate these assumptions and see whether consuming orange peel extract can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
  2. Controls bowel movements: Orange peel aids in digestion because they contain a significant amount of dietary fiber and help regulate bowel motions and avoid constipation. This is an effective treatment for a variety of digestive issues, such as heartburn, indigestion, gas, and irritable bowel syndrome. Orange peels contain pectin that encourages the development of good bacteria in your stomach.
  3. Promotes weight loss: Oranges are an excellent addition to the diet for losing weight because they are low in calories. Additionally, they are rich in dietary fiber, which regulates appetite and prevents bingeing. Orange peels include vitamin C, which aids in fat burning. Replace coffee or soda with orange peel tea, which will help you achieve your weight loss objectives.
    • Prepare orange peel tea as follows:
      • Dry the organic orange peels in a cool, dry area.
      • Add one cup of boiling water to one tablespoon of dried peels.
      • Cover and steep for 10 minutes.
      • Remove the peels and add some fresh honey.
      • Consume two cups each day.
  4. Lowers cancer risk: Studies report that a protein known as RLIP76, which has been linked to cancer, is inhibited by the flavonoids found in orange peels. The peels also contain limonene, a substance that lowers the risk of cancer. Other studies report the extraordinary way in which citrus peels can inhibit carcinogenic activities.
  5. Improves skin tone: Orange peels are loaded with antioxidants that fend off the free radicals that cause wrinkles and drooping skin.
    • Orange peels function admirably as a skin toner.
    • Dark spots and skin blemishes can be removed with orange peels. 
    • Their vitamin C content keeps your skin supple, avoids dullness, and gives it a radiant, healthy appearance.
    • By obstructing dangerous UV rays, it even functions as a natural sunscreen.
  6. Helps in teeth whitening: Orange peels can get rid of the yellow tint on your teeth. They contain a substance called d-limonene, which reduces tooth staining (even from smoking).
    • Use orange peels for teeth whitening as follows:
      • Rub the white part of an orange peel over your teeth for two to three minutes and then rinse. Repeat this process two times daily until your teeth are white as a sheet.
      • You may create a paste by combining some water with some orange peel powder. To earn extra benefits, include dried leaves. Brush your teeth with this paste two times daily for two weeks.
  7. Regulates blood sugar levels: Pectin, a fiber that is known to control blood sugar levels, is abundant in orange peel, and this benefits people with diabetes. Additionally, studies have reported that using orange peel extract in therapy can help avoid diabetic nephropathy. The orange peel removes RLIP76 (protein) from the body, which stops diabetes from developing. Additionally, the orange's glycemic load is merely 5, which suggests that eating the peel very slightly increases blood sugar levels.
  8. Bad breath: Orange peel that has not been processed can be chewed for bad breath. However, be careful not to use this technique too frequently, as too much acid is bad for dental enamel. After using orange peels in this way, give yourself some time before brushing your teeth.
  9. Healthy and shiny hair: The fact that orange peel may be used to create a clarifying hair rinse may be the least well-known of all the advantages of orange peel. Apple cider vinegar should be poured over the peels in the container. Wait for about two days before using the mixture. After that, take the orange peels out and add water to the infused vinegar to thin it out. The ratio of water to apple cider vinegar should be roughly three to one. After washing your hair, spritz your head with the hair rinse. The rinse removes debris from your hair and gives it a shiny, healthy finish.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

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Medically Reviewed on 10/5/2022
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