What Are the 6 Functions of the Nose?

Medically Reviewed on 9/27/2022
6 Functions of the Nose
Your nose also needs proper care and attention owing to the important functions it performs.

Often in the discussion of cosmetic concerns, the nose has a lot more to do than just contribute to the way you look.

Six main functions of the nose

  1. Provides the sense of smell through various microscopic, specialized structures called the olfactory receptors in the inner lining of the nose
  2. Acts as a passageway for the entry of air in and out of the lungs
  3. Warms and moisturizes the inhaled air ensuring comfortable breathing
  4. Acts as a filter to remove harmful agents through the action of cilia (tiny hair-like structures) and mucus
  5. Plays an essential role in speech and phonetics (how you sound)
  6. Plays a role in memories

What are the 5 parts of the nose?

The nose is a complex structure made up of five main parts:

  1. External meatus: Triangular projection at the center of the face.
  2. Nasal passages or cavities: Hollow passages through which air flows. They are lined with mucous membranes and numerous tiny hair or cilia. These structures help filter the air that you breathe.
  3. Nostrils or nares: Two openings present on your face that continue into the nasal passages.
  4. Septum: A partition that divides the nasal cavity into two passages. It is primarily made up of bone and cartilage wrapped in the mucous membrane. It helps give shape and support to the outer part of the nose.
  5. Nasal sinuses: Four pairs of air-filled cavities lined with mucous membranes. They help keep the nose moist.

What health conditions can affect the nose?

Like any other part of the body, the nose is also subjected to various diseases or disorders. 

Some of the conditions affecting the nose include:

  • Infections: Various infections can affect the nose, leading to conditions, such as sinusitis, common cold, and bacterial rhinosinusitis.
  • Allergies: Being constantly in contact with the external environment, the nose may come in contact with potential allergens. Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of the nose.
  • Growths: Various benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) conditions can affect the nose. Nasal polyps are benign lumps in the nose that can interfere with nasal functions, such as breathing and smelling. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a type of cancer that affects the nose.
  • Structural defects: Several conditions, congenital or acquired, can cause abnormal nasal structure. These include deviated nasal septum, enlarged nasal turbinates (small structures inside the nose that cleanse and humidify the air you breathe), saddle nose, and enlarged adenoids (masses of lymphoid tissue within the nose).
  • Nosebleeds: Also called epistaxis, nosebleeds are quite common and may occur due to trauma or spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel inside the nose.
  • Injuries: Various injuries may damage the cartilage or bones (fracture) present in the nose. These may need urgent medical attention, especially in serious injuries.


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When should you call the doctor about your nasal symptoms?

Several symptoms may arise related to the nose. Many may be mild and subside on their own. Persisting or serious symptoms, however, need medical attention. These include:

  • Frequent or persistent nosebleeds, nasal stuffiness, or nasal discharge
  • Any nasal symptoms accompanied by high fever (over 102°F)
  • Pain over the nose or sinuses
  • Snoring that interferes with your or your partner’s sleep
  • Any growth within the nose

How can you keep your nose healthy?

Your nose also needs proper care and attention owing to the important functions it performs. 

To keep your nose healthy:

  • Avoid smoking, including passive or secondhand smoke
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid picking your nose
  • Clean your nose with saline water 
  • Use a humidifier at home
  • Keep your home clean and dust-free
  • Wear a proper mask in areas with considerable air pollution
  • Avoid plucking nasal hair as it can lead to infection

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Medically Reviewed on 9/27/2022
Image Source: iStock image


