What Are the 4 Types of Hair?

curly hair types
The 4 types of hair include straight hair (type I), wavy hair (type II), curly hair (type III), and tight curly hair (type IV).

Hair texture and type are affected by a variety of variables, including genetics, humidity, and hair care.

Straight hair is one of the most popular hairstyles worldwide, but everyone has a distinct hair texture. As a result, not everyone with straight hair has straight hair that appears the same. They may have a variety of textures, tiny ripples, etc.

The 4 types and textures of hair

There are four main types of hair. Type I is straight hair, type II and type III are wavy with bouncy curls, and type IV is the tightly curled variety.

The curl pattern, density, porosity, width, and length of the hair can be further divided into a, b, and c. Someone with loose curls, for example, would be type IIIa, whereas someone with tight curls would be type IIIb.

  1. Type I hair (straight hair): Type I hair is straight and does not curl. This hair type has the highest sheen, is the most durable, and is not prone to damage. This type of hair and texture is extremely tough to curl because the scalp sebum travels quickly from the scalp to the ends, making it the oiliest and most difficult to style.
    • Ia. This is the straightest hair type, stick straight and sleek
    • Ib. Straighter hair with higher volume
    • Ic. Straight with a discernible body wave and a pair of S-waves, usually around the neck or temples
  2. Type II hair (wavy hair): Type II hair is wavy and falls in between straight and curly. The shine is wavy and curly in appearance. In comparison to straight hair, wavy hair is more likely to develop frizzes. Some forms of wavy hair are easier to style, while others are more difficult.
    • IIa. S-waves that are loose and stretched
    • IIb. Shorter S-waves that are more distinct
    • IIc. Even more distinct S-waves with some spiral curls
  3. Type III hair (curly hair): Curly hair that resembles the letters "S" or "Z" is type III. This hair type is typically thick and abundant. It is highly climate-dependent, and it can easily get frizzy and damaged. Maintaining healthy, well-defined curls necessitates proper care.
    • IIIa. Spiral curls that are large and loose
    • IIIb. Bouncy curls that resemble ringlets
    • IIIc. Corkscrew type curls that are tight
  4. Type IV hair (extremely tightly curled hair): Type IV hair has a high density and is typically brittle. Because it has fewer cuticle layers than other hair types, this type of hair shrinks when wet. When compared to other hair types, it is more prone to damage. This type is most difficult to style.
    • IVa. S-curls that are tightly curled
    • IVb. Curls in a Z pattern that are tightly coiled
    • IVc. Curls that are mostly Z-patterned, firmly kinked, and less defined

What factors influence hair type?

Hair texture and type are mainly influenced by genetics and the environment.

  • Hair type and genetics
    • Hair texture and type are inherited according to research and are influenced by an "additive" feature, which means that the amount of curl in the hair is determined by the number of curly hair gene variants inherited.
    • Because many distinct genes are involved, two curly-haired parents may not necessarily have curly-haired children.
    • Straight hair genes can be carried by curly-haired parents and passed on to their children.
    • Hair texture is determined by how genes interact with one another. Therefore, various people in the same family have varied hair types.
  • Hair type and environment
    • Hair type is influenced by more than just genes. The environment can have a significant impact on hair, particularly its texture.
    • Hair can become frizzy or curly due to humidity, whereas hair can become dry and static due to chilly, winter air.
    • Hair texture varies as people become older. Hair turns gray and becomes thinner, harsher, and finer, and dries out. With age, the oil glands in the scalp atrophy.
    • Hair texture can be affected by how people treat and style it. Bleaching, hair coloring, utilizing style tools, straightening, and perming can affect hair structure, with some improving it and others worsening it.


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Is it possible to change your hair type?

It is impossible to alter the hair's DNA. Hair can be straightened or curled using a variety of at-home and salon procedures. Some are permanent, whereas others are only transitory. However, even with permanent hair styling treatments, the new hair that grows would be the original hair.

Hair treatments that last a long time

  • Permanent perming or straightening by a professional: This is a chemical technique that permanently changes the hair. It alters the hair's protein connections. Depending on the substances employed, the effects can linger for years. The person's original hair type would be the new hair that grows.
  • At-home treatments: To straighten or curl hair, a variety of chemical kits are available. Some products may have results that endure for a few months, whereas others may last for a year or more.
  • Other treatments: Keratin hair treatment, Brazilian blowouts, and other semi-permanent hair-straightening procedures can help straighten hair. They are typically done in salons. The effects linger for three to five months.

Temporary ways to change hair type

The effects usually endure until the following hair wash.

  • Blow drying: Curl or straighten hair by blasting hot or cold air through it with a round or flat brush.
  • Using hair care products: Shampoos, conditioners, leave-in conditioners, hair serums, and hairsprays are designed to coat the hair strands, decreasing frizz, and curls while boosting hydration.
  • Using essential oils: Natural oils, such as coconut, almond, and argan oil, or a combination of oils can help enhance hair texture. They can be applied to the scalp and hair and washed off with shampoo and conditioner after 30 to 60 minutes. This can be repeated several times per week.
  • Hair straighteners and curlers: Hair straighteners and curlers use hot plates powered by electricity to straighten or curl hair swiftly. They are simple and quick to utilize.

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MacDonald J. Why Do Some People Have Curly Hair and Others Straight? JSTOR Daily. https://daily.jstor.org/why-do-some-people-have-curly-hair-and-others-straight/

The Tech Interactive. Can a couple (one with straight hair, one with curly) have one straight haired child and one curly haired, and one of the children has green eyes and the other blue? Both parents have green. Is this possible? https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask45

Westgate GE, Ginger RS, Green MR. The biology and genetics of curly hair. Exp Dermatol. 2017 Jun;26(6):483-490. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.13347