Ideal Protein Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

Medically Reviewed on 8/25/2022
Ideal Protein Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss
The Ideal Protein Diet is a low-carb, low-calorie, high-protein diet designed to put the body into ketosis

The Ideal Protein Diet is a doctor-designed protocol that was created by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh and Dr. Olivier Benloulou and has two key components: weight loss and healthier lifestyle education.

Because the Ideal Protein diet drastically reduces calorie and carb intake, many people have reported losing a substantial amount of weight, mainly water weight, while on the diet. However, most people report rebound weight gain once they return to a normal diet.

What is the Ideal Protein Diet?

The Ideal Protein Diet is a low-carb, low-calorie, high-protein diet designed to put the body into ketosis, very similar to the ketogenic diet. However, unlike the conventional ketogenic diet that includes a high-fat percentage, this diet restricts fat intake.

Ideal Protein is a branded diet available through certified clinics, and you must purchase their coaching sessions, prepackaged meals, and supplements to achieve your weight loss goals.

How does the Ideal Protein Diet work?

The protocol is split into three phases.

Phase I: Weight loss

  • This initial phase is meant to be followed until you reach 100% of your weight loss goal (no time limit; it can continue until the weight loss goal is achieved)
  • During this phase, you are allowed to eat meals and supplements purchased only through authorized clinics or centers:
    • Ideal Protein breakfast
    • Ideal Protein lunch with 2 cups of any selected vegetables 
    • Dinner may consist of 8 ounces of protein with 2 cups of selected vegetables
    • Ideal Protein snack
  • Along with meals, you need to consume the following supplements:
    • Breakfast: Multivitamin and potassium supplement
    • Dinner: 1 multivitamin, 2 calcium-magnesium supplements, and 2 omega-3 supplements
    • Snack: 2 calcium-magnesium supplements
    • With all meals: 1-2 digestive enzyme supplements
    • Once daily: 2 antioxidant supplements and 1/4 teaspoon of Ideal Salt
  • Most meals provide 20 grams of protein and fewer than 200 calories per serving.
  • Exercise is not recommended during the first 3 weeks to prevent unwanted side effects.

Phase II: Stabilization

  • This phase begins as soon as you reach your weight loss goal and usually lasts for about 2 weeks.
  • In this phase, carbs and fats are slowly reintroduced into the body.
  • You receive a unique “Macro Code” from your weight loss coach based on the number of macronutrients you need to maintain your body weight (calculations of the macro code are not disclosed by the company).

Phase III: Maintenance

  • This is the final phase of the Ideal Protein diet that lasts for about a year.
  • During this phase, the goal is to keep the weight off while enjoying more dietary freedom.
  • You are asked to continue your visit to the weight loss clinic for nutrition counseling and use your Macro Code to maintain your weight loss.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

What foods should you eat and avoid on the Ideal Protein Diet?

Foods to eat

Phase I of the diet is quite restrictive and requires you to eat three premade Ideal Protein dishes per day. For dinner, you are allowed to select a protein option from the following:

  • Fish: Anchovy, cod, flounder, hake, tuna, tilapia, red snapper, redfish, trout, or salmon
  • Other seafood: Squid, shrimp, oysters, mussels, lobster, crawfish, clams, scampi, scallops, or crab
  • Poultry: Eggs, skinless chicken, turkey, fowl, quail, or wild birds
  • Beef: Tenderloin, sirloin, or lean ground beef
  • Pork: Fat-free ham or tenderloin
  • Vegetarian: Tofu

For lunch and dinner, you are allowed to consume 2 cups of selected vegetables or an unlimited amount of company-approved raw vegetables:

  • Selected vegetables: Asparagus, bean sprouts, rhubarb, okra, sauerkraut, zucchini, yellow summer squash, chicory, alfalfa, and kale
  • Raw vegetables: Lettuce, celery, mushrooms, radish, spinach, radicchio, and endive
  • Seasonings and condiments: All herbs, garlic, ginger, vinegar (white and apple cider), tamari, soy sauce, hot sauce, hot mustard, spices, and mint

When you enter phase II of the diet, you have more carb, dairy, and fat options, including:

  • Complex carbs: Whole grain bread and sugar-free cereal
  • Fruits: Bananas, apples, peaches, cherries, papaya, grapefruit, apricots, plums, tangerine, watermelon, passion fruit, grapes, oranges, and kiwifruit
  • Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Fats: Butter and oils

Foods to avoid

The following foods are not recommended during phase I:

  • Pasta, rice, legumes, bread, and cereals
  • Dairy products (except 1 ounce of milk in coffee or tea)
  • All root vegetables, including potatoes, beets, and carrots
  • Sweet peas and corn
  • Fruits
  • Nuts
  • Soda and processed snack foods
  • Commercial fruit juices and vegetable juices
  • Alcohol (beer, wine, spirits)

Who is the Ideal Protein Diet for?

Although this diet is likely to result in short-term weight loss and may improve health parameters, such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels, there is no scientific evidence to prove that it is more effective than other less restrictive diets. 

Therefore, it may not be the best choice as an eating pattern that supports overall health. It is less sustainable and quite expensive.

If you are looking for a diet for weight loss, there are other evidence-based diets that include moderate to low carbs, high protein, and plant-based options.

What are the pros and cons of the Ideal Protein Diet?


  • Helps with weight loss
  • Can be convenient due to the premade meals
  • Improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Provides coaching and support


  • Expensive
  • Restrictive
  • Not suitable for vegans
  • Involves packaged and processed foods
  • Lacks scientific evidence regarding its safety and effectiveness
  • Involves coaches who may not be certified in nutrition
  • Most clinics are limited to North America
  • Can cause side effects such as:

Sample meal plan on the Ideal Protein Diet

Table. 1-day sample menu of the Ideal Protein Diet
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack
  • A portion of protein-rich food, such as apple-flavored oatmeal
  • Coffee or tea
  • Ideal Protein food, such as beef
  • Two cups of selected vegetables
  • Optional raw vegetables
  • 8 ounces (225 grams) of a protein source
  • 2 cups of selected vegetables
  • Optional raw vegetables
  • Peanut butter bar
  • 1 multivitamin
  • 1 potassium supplement
  • 1-2 enzymes
  • 1-2 enzymes
  • 1 multivitamin
  • 2 calcium-magnesium supplements
  • 2 omega-3 supplements
  • 1-2 enzymes
  • 2 calcium-magnesium supplements
  • 1-2 enzymes

Daily essentials include:

  • 2 teaspoons of selected oil
  • Adequate hydration
  • 1/4 teaspoon of Ideal Salt

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Medically Reviewed on 8/25/2022
Image Source: iStock image

About the Ideal Protein Protocol.

Ideal Protein Phase 1: Products, Allowed Food List, Changes.

How it Works.