What Does Drinking Wheatgrass Every Day Do for Your Body?

  • Medical Reviewer: Mahammad Juber, MD
Medically Reviewed on 2/7/2023

What is wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is a type of grass that grows from freshly sprouted wheat seeds. It is consumed in juice form as a dietary supplement. Wheatgrass benefits you in various ways by improving your overall health and immunity. Many people drink wheatgrass juice every day because of its detoxifying effects. 

Here’s everything you need to know about drinking wheatgrass juice and its health benefits.

Wheatgrass is a type of grass that grows from newly sprouted seeds belonging to the wheat plant Triticum aestivum. This grass is harvested within seven to ten days of sprouting for consumption. You can take it in juice, powder, tablet, or pill form. 

Wheatgrass juice has gained popularity because it is rich in nutrients and has many potential benefits. You can find it in juice bars and health food stores across America. People usually have a one- or two-ounce shot of wheatgrass juice or add it to smoothies or other juices. You can also find wheatgrass powder and supplements at health food or grocery stores.

What are the nutrients in wheatgrass?

A 100-milliliter serving of commercially available, organic wheatgrass juice contains the following nutrients:

  • 17 calories
  • 0 grams of protein
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 60 milligrams of iron
  • 40 milligrams of vitamin C
  • 0 milligrams of cholesterol

Research shows fresh wheatgrass juice is rich in the green pigment chlorophyll, which has anti-cancer effects. Wheatgrass also contains minerals like calcium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and sodium. It is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as choline.

What are wheatgrass benefits?

Consuming wheatgrass every day can improve your overall health and well-being. Wheatgrass juice has the following health benefits:

Functions as green blood and protects blood cells

Wheatgrass juice has significant chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants. It is often called “green blood” because it is biologically similar to the red pigment hemoglobin in human blood. The only difference is that chlorophyll contains magnesium, whereas hemoglobin contains iron. Adding chlorophyll to your diet can help you maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Wheatgrass is also rich in antioxidants. These substances help your red blood cells survive longer. Some clinical studies also show that wheatgrass benefits people with hemolytic anemia — a blood disorder that prevents your body from making enough hemoglobin.

Boosts immunity

Research shows that sugars or oligosaccharides in wheatgrass have immune-boosting effects. The sugars in wheatgrass stimulate certain immune cells called monocytes. These cells protect your body from infection.

Prevents oxidative damage

Wheatgrass is a rich source of protective antioxidants called flavonoids. They prevent oxidative stress caused by toxic free radicals, which can affect your cells and lead to inflammatory diseases over the long term. Flavonoids in wheatgrass destroy free radicals and protect your cells from damage and diseases. 

Reduces inflammation

Substances called lipopolysaccharides can cause the formation of nitrous oxide in your cells. This can lead to inflammation, which can further cause long-term illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Research shows that wheatgrass juice, though, prevents this inflammation in some instances, so drinking wheatgrass juice every day can prevent inflammation and related diseases.

Aids digestion

Many believe that wheatgrass stimulates enzymes that promote digestion or prevent digestive issues. For instance, one study showed that the green juice of wheatgrass prevented stomach ulcers in stressed rats. Research also shows that wheatgrass juice helps purge and detoxify the walls of your gut. It can help treat problems affecting your stomach and colon such as constipation and piles.

Prevents bacterial infection

Chlorophyll, antioxidants, and other bioactive substances in wheatgrass can fight bacterial growth. For example, research shows that wheatgrass extract effectively fights against harmful bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Improves skin health

The antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties of wheatgrass make it excellent for your skin. You can apply it externally on your skin or consume it to prevent skin problems and infections. Drinking wheatgrass juice regularly also promotes skin cell growth and protects skin health.

Detoxifies your liver

Chlorophyll found in wheatgrass regulates and protects your liver. Other nutrients in wheatgrass juice such as choline and trace minerals similarly purify the liver. Research in rats showed that choline prevented the accumulation of fats in the liver even if the rats were given a cholesterol-rich diet. Choline also reduces cholesterol and glycerol and protects liver cells from damage. 

Drinking wheatgrass juice may thus help prevent liver problems like fatty liver disease.

Prevents cancer growth

Wheatgrass contains several antioxidants and a plant hormone called abscisic acid. Evidence suggests that abscisic acid is a potent anticancer agent. It reduces the levels of compounds that promote cancer cell growth.

Wheatgrass juice also shows antioxidant activity, which protects cells from oxidative damage. It prevents mutations in your cells that can make cells cancerous. Chlorophyll from wheatgrass can particularly benefit people with liver cancer and gastrointestinal cancer.

What are the side effects of wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is typically a healthy food. Unlike wheat, wheatgrass is gluten-free. However, if you’re trying it for the first time, watch out for allergies. Signs of a wheatgrass allergy include an upset stomach, nausea, swelling in your throat or lips, rashes, and headaches. Other potential side effects of wheatgrass include lightheadedness, mild headache, and tiredness. Visit your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms.

To avoid these side effects, start with small one- or two-ounce shots of wheatgrass and gradually increase the quantity. You can have up to two ounces up to three times a day. 

You can consume wheatgrass as a supplement along with a balanced diet, including other fruits and vegetables. However, bear in mind that wheatgrass is typically unprocessed and may have bacterial growth. Wash the wheatgrass thoroughly before consumption.

How can you add wheatgrass to your diet?

Drinking fresh wheatgrass juice daily is great for your health regardless of your age. Wheatgrass is easy and inexpensive to grow at home using fresh wheat seeds or starter kits. 

You can press the juice in a blender and drink it every day to boost your health and reap its benefits. You can also get organic wheatgrass shots at juice bars or health stores. Wheatgrass is even available as powders or capsules, which you can add to water, juices, smoothies, soups, or meals.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

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Medically Reviewed on 2/7/2023

ACAAI: "Allergy Symptoms."

Beyond Celiac: "Is Wheatgrass Gluten-Free?"

Current Research in Toxicology: "Wheatgrass inhibits the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory effect in RAW 264.7 macrophages."

Indian Pediatrics: "Natural Antioxidant Therapy for Patients with Hemolytic Anemia."

International Journal of Chemical Studies: "A pilot study on wheat grass juice for its phytochemical, nutritional and therapeutic potential on chronic diseases."

Journal of Biological Chemistry: "The Immunologically Active Oligosaccharides Isolated from Wheatgrass Modulate Monocytes via Toll-like Receptor-2 Signaling."

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "Wheat grass."

USDA: "Organic Wheatgrass Shots."

World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: "Wheat Grass-A Perfect Food and Its Anti-Microbial Properties from the Different Solvent Extract."