9 Natural Viagra Alternatives to Help Increase Sex Drive in Both Men and Women

  • Medical Reviewer: Dany Paul Baby, MD
Medically Reviewed on 12/8/2022

Natural viagra alternatives

Viagra is a popular medication that can help with erectile dysfunction. Natural Viagra alternatives include maca root, oatstraw, fenugreek, and other remedies.
Viagra is a popular medication that can help with erectile dysfunction. Natural Viagra alternatives include maca root, oatstraw, fenugreek, and other remedies.

Viagra is a popular medication that can help with erectile dysfunction (ED). However, many people are currently trying to avoid it due to its possible side effects. Instead, they choose to use certain herbal supplements that can act as a natural Viagra

Here’s what you need to know.

The most common treatment for erectile dysfunction is, by far, sildenafil (Viagra) — a popular medication that increases the blood flow in your penis. However, many people prefer to avoid this drug, as it can cause side effects, including headaches, back pain, and indigestion.

Luckily, there are several natural substitutes for Viagra, most of which come from traditional Asian medicine. These work in many different ways ranging from enhancing your testosterone to stimulating your circulatory system. Plus, some of these may act as general aphrodisiacs, meaning that women can also take them to improve their sex drive. 

Here are nine popular natural Viagra alternatives:

Maca root

Maca (scientific name Lepidium meyenii) is a root native to Peru, which Incan royalty often consumed to boost their energy. It has several health benefits, which include improving your sexual function and libido (sex drive). The exact mechanisms behind this are still unknown.

Research shows that taking 1,500 to 3,000 milligrams of maca per day can significantly enhance your sexual desire. However, experts note that it typically takes at least eight weeks before this effect becomes noticeable.


Tribulus terrestris, also known as Gokshur or puncture vine, is a widespread plant that has several health benefits. For example, it can act as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent when taken orally. It also has a long history as a remedy against sexual impotence.

Taking 1,500 milligrams a day can positively impact erectile dysfunction and improve your sex drive. Experts advise dividing that dose into three 500-milligram parts and taking each after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Tribulus has also shown promise in treating female sexual dysfunction.


Oatstraw has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a treatment for insomnia and anxiety thanks to its nootropic and calming properties. Experts suggest that these same properties could help treat erectile and sexual dysfunction, although in a slightly less direct way than other supplements.

Sometimes, sexual dysfunction can come from a lack of energy, which can in turn be a sign of depression and stress can drain your energy. As such, oats straw may help boost your sexual stamina thanks to its anti-depressant and restorative properties.


Fenugreek, scientific name Trigonella foenum-graecum, is a small plant that has shown promise in treating sexual dysfunction in both men and women. It works by positively affecting the production of estrogen and testosterone — two hormones that play a crucial role in your sex drive.

In women, fenugreek can increase vaginal lubrication and blood flow, along with promoting sexual desire. Similarly, men who take fenugreek report an increase in morning erections and a general improvement in libido.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a popular herbal supplement that can significantly impact the sexual drive of men and women. While this herb is at its best when combined with other supplements, research shows that taking ginkgo on its own may also be sufficient in some cases.

Ginkgo biloba can increase blood flow to the genitalia, improving sexual activity. In men, this could help to reduce erectile dysfunction. However, experts point out that more research is needed to fully confirm this.


Ginseng is one of the herbs that people often combine with ginkgo biloba. Experts suggest that Ottoman sultans may have used it in the past to boost their potency. Recent research confirms these effects.

Although more research is needed, experts point out that ginseng may work by boosting the production of nitric oxide, which in turn improves blood circulation. This compound also relaxes the muscles in the penis, helping you maintain a healthy erection.

Tongkat ali

Tongkat ali, scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, is a plant native to Southeast Asia. Also known as “longjack,” tongkat ali has recently gained popularity as an aphrodisiac that can also increase energy levels.

This herb can also increase sperm concentration, but it’s essential to know that these benefits appear gradually instead of immediately after taking the supplement.


Saffron is a spice that comes from a flower known as Crocus sativus. Although experts don’t fully understand how it works, saffron has shown promise when it comes to producing aphrodisiac effects in humans. Particularly, it could have a significant impact on men with erectile dysfunction. Women who take saffron also report improved lubrication and arousal. 

The usual dose needed for these effects is 30 milligrams divided into two 15-milligram doses. Research indicates that you must take this dosage for at least four weeks to experience the effects.

Epimedium extract

Epimedium extract has gained an unusual nickname due to its aphrodisiac effects: “horny goat weed.” Research shows that this herb can significantly improve testosterone levels, increasing your libido. In fact, epimedium extract has shown promise in treating erectile dysfunction in the long term. However, more research is needed to confirm this. 

This supplement also has other health benefits, such as anti-aging and energy-boosting properties.

Can these supplements cause side effects?

It’s always important to remember that taking any supplement can have side effects — even if it’s natural. For example, many people have allergic reactions to these herbs. As such, try to do some research before trying out any of the previously mentioned natural Viagra alternatives.

You should also always check with a doctor before taking any supplement. A trained professional will be able to give you precise information about the appropriate dosage for you and the reactions you may have after taking it.


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Medically Reviewed on 12/8/2022

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