6 Emerging Benefits of D-Ribose

Medically Reviewed on 8/16/2022
6 Emerging Benefits of D-Ribose
Although D-ribose is a sugar, it does not elevate blood sugar levels.

D-ribose, or simply ribose, is a basic sugar created within our cells hundreds of times every day to provide us with energy to conduct a job. D-ribose is required for our cells to produce energy. Ribose is required for every cell in your body to function.

Every day, your heart spends an enormous amount of energy, and an estimated 6,000 grams of energy is spent pumping blood throughout your body. At any given time, the heart has approximately 0.7 grams of stored energy. The heart must continually replenish its energy reserves, and our cardiac muscle cells require ribose to function.

Ribose production is a time-consuming process that takes place within the boundaries of our cells. Proper supplementation permits the cells to take in more ribose and convert it into an energy form, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This indicates cellular function and recovery.

Because D-ribose is a relatively new supplement, various studies have demonstrated its positive effects on the body. However, additional scientific investigation is necessary to support the evidence.

6 health benefits of D-ribose

Preliminary research indicates that D-ribose may have the following benefits:

  1. Improves cell energy stores:
    • Study participants in an intensive workout program of cycling sprints who took D-ribose had normal levels of ATP, whereas those who took the placebo had a lower amount of ATP. 
    • D-ribose improves mitochondrial energy production within the cells and reduces fatigue.
    • However, there was no difference in athletic performance between individuals who received D-ribose and those who received the placebo.
  2. Improves athletic performance:
    • Scientific research has demonstrated that D-ribose can boost exercise performance due to its crucial function in the creation of ATP. 
    • D-ribose may aid in the recovery of energy reserves after high-intensity exercises due to insufficient blood flow to the organs and tissues.
    • Various studies have reported that intake of D-ribose supplementation has improved strength to perform vigorous workouts.
    • However, the majority of these studies were conducted on people who were physically inactive or had certain diseases.
  3. Reduces muscle soreness and helps in recovery:
    • Studies have reported that D-ribose may help minimize muscular stiffness and expedite recovery after exercise in people with myoadenylate deaminase insufficiency. 
    • However, further research is needed to determine how this might affect others who do not have this issue.
    • Anecdotal data from athletes have been positive.
  4. Promotes heart health:
    • D-ribose enhances ATP levels in cardiac cells and improves heart function.
    • Congestive heart failure occurs when the cardiac muscles do not pump blood as efficiently as they should. D-ribose enhanced heart function in a clinical study of 15 individuals with congestive heart failure.
    • In another research, D-ribose enabled 20 men with stable cardiac disease to exercise for extended periods without experiencing chest aches (angina) or electrocardiogram alterations.
    • Animal studies suggested that D-ribose supplementation reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and other oxidized fat. It lowered oxidative stress in the aorta, the primary artery that leads from the heart to the rest of the body.
    • However, D-ribose did not affect chronic heart failure in animals that are either healthy or with increased myocardial creatine.
  5. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome:
    • Five grams of D-ribose daily increased energy, sleep, mental clarity, pain intensity, and well-being in a pilot trial of 41 individuals with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • A case study reported that five grams of D-ribose given two times daily in conjunction with other drugs decreased fibromyalgia symptoms, which reappeared after one week of discontinuing D-ribose supplementation.
  6. May treat hereditary diseases:
    • A few case studies report that D-ribose supplementation improves certain genetic conditions such as:
      • Restless leg syndrome
      • Adenylosuccinase deficiency (an uncommon genetic condition characterized by poor dexterity and motor impairment)
      • Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency (another hereditary condition in which the muscles are unable to use the energy molecule ATP)


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

What is the dose of D-ribose supplementation?

The amount of ribose you should consume is determined by your needs, and on average, a person may require:

Once the symptoms have subsided, a reduced maintenance dose might be administered. Ribose is a basic sugar; hence, there are no big drawbacks to using it. When working with higher doses, it is best to take them in split doses or before and after exercise for athletes.

What are the side effects of D-ribose?

D-ribose is usually harmless. However, it can cause various side effects including:

Although D-ribose is a sugar, it does not elevate blood sugar levels, unlike glucose and fructose, but it causes insulin secretion. 

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the breakdown of glucose, the primary sugar in the human diet. However, despite not having taken glucose, insulin breaks down glucose in the circulation as you take a D-ribose supplement. This results in a dip in blood sugar. 

Distinct D-ribose side effects may occur based on the severity of adrenal fatigue or stress reaction. People with more sensitive bodies may be unable to manage the additional energy increase because D-ribose might over-energize them. If this occurs, simply reduce the amount, or take the supplement with meals. Check with your healthcare practitioner to confirm that there are no other potential drug interactions and that your lethargy and low energy are being treated successfully.

What are the contraindications of D-ribose?

D-ribose should not be used if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or if your blood sugar is sensitive to variations. If you use any prescription medications or other supplements that lower blood sugar levels, you should be extra cautious while taking both medications and D-ribose supplements.

You must always take D-ribose with meals or other chemicals such as collagen to decrease metabolic fluctuations. This should be followed by the elderly or people with sensitive bodies because these fluctuations are more common among these people. The combination of D-ribose and collagen is good for metabolic stability, enhanced energy, and adrenal gland support during times of stress.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/16/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Ribose: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/ribose-uses-and-risks

Ribose: https://healthjade.net/ribose/