What Is Tuina Massage Therapy?

Medically Reviewed on 11/18/2022
Tuina Massage Therapy
Tuina massage therapy aims to remove blockages to improve the body's qi and blood balance.

Tuina massage is one of the most important and ancient traditional Chinese bodywork. The word “tui” means “to push” and “na” means “to grab or squeeze.” This is one among the other four branches of Chinese bodywork. The other three include acupuncture, qi gong, and Chinese herbal medicine. This massage therapy involves balancing energy and different techniques, such as kneading, rolling, pressing, and stretching.

During this massage, the practitioner follows the acupressure points and targets a few specific pressure points. Instead of using needles, the practitioners apply pressure to stimulate the acupoints. Tuina massage can be used along with acupuncture for better results.

Tuina massage is different from western massage therapies. Tuina involves deeper massage beyond the muscles, bones, and joints to work with deeper energy levels.

How does tuina massage therapy work?

Tuina massage therapy sessions usually take 30 minutes to an hour. The person lies on the massage table wearing loose clothes.

Tuina massage therapy works on the “qi” (energy) principle. The pressure at the acupoints improves the qi, blood flow, and health. Qi that is blocked or not flowing causes various illnesses and pain.

Tuina massage therapy aims to remove the blockages and improve the body's qi and blood balance. This massage relaxes and helps gain total energy. In this massage therapy, only massage oils are used.

What are the benefits of tuina massage therapy?

Tuina massage therapy effectively benefits the following:

Tuina can be effective for people with certain issues, such as:

Tuina massage therapy is done to improve the qi. The therapy usually enhances the whole body and not just a particular area.

What are the contraindications and advantages for tuina massage therapy?

Tuina massage therapy is contraindicated in a few conditions, such as:

The advantages of tuina massage include:

  • Effective and rapid results
  • Very low risks of side effects
  • Less time-consuming
  • Economical


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What are the precautions to take before tuina massage therapy?

The following precautions are recommended before the session of massage therapy:

  • The therapy should be availed when you are completely healthy. Avoid taking massage therapy while you are sick, such as cold or flu, or fever. Taking therapies while sick will not be beneficial.
  • Eat light before the massage therapy. You can eat light snacks or have a full meal an hour before the session. It is better if you are not too hungry or full before the massage therapy.
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothes before the massage session to allow all the stretching and rotation movements during the massage.

What are the precautions to take after tuina massage therapy?

The following precautions are recommended after the session of massage therapy:

  • Rest: Adequate rest is required after the session. The body undergoes rebalancing in response to the therapy, so adequate rest is essential to get maximum benefit.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise: For a few hours after the massage therapy to keep the body relaxed after the session.
  • Stay stress-free: The mind and body should remain calm and stress-free for the remainder of the day.
  • Drink lots of water: After therapy and for the rest of the day to help heal.

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Medically Reviewed on 11/18/2022
Image Source: iStock image

What is Tui Na? https://www.tcmclinic.org/tui-na

Tuina. https://aobta.org/page/Tuina

Tuina – Chinese Medical Massage. https://www.taoistsanctuary.org/tuina