What Is Diaphoresis?

Sweating is the natural mechanism of the body to regulate its temperature.
Sweating is the natural mechanism of the body to regulate its temperature.

Sweating is the natural mechanism of the body to regulate its temperature. However, if unusual and excessive sweating occurs for no apparent reason, then it may be a reason for concern.

Diaphoresis or excessive sweating is a medical condition. In this condition, you sweat profusely due to any underlying medical conditions. It may be commonly associated with shock and other medical emergencies. It may be observed as excessive sweating even in conditions when:

  • The room temperature is comfortable or mild.
  • You are not anxious.
  • You do not have a fever.
  • You are relaxing or doing a comfortable task, such as watching a movie.

Once the causes are ruled out, then it is more precisely referred to as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a problem caused due to malfunctioning of the nervous system or overactive sweat glands. Diaphoresis is also known as secondary hyperhidrosis because it is a symptom of an underlying disorder.

What is the treatment for diaphoresis?

The primary option for diaphoresis is to treat the underlying disease or disorder that is causing profuse sweating.

Treatment options may depend on your symptoms. Some of the treatment options for diaphoresis include:

  • Over the counter or prescription antiperspirant roll
  • Botox injection may temporarily stop the nerves from triggering excessive sweating
  • Oral prescription medications, mostly anticholinergics
  • Iontophoresis: It uses low-level electrical impulses to block the sweat glands temporarily.
  • Microwave therapy: In this technique, a high-tech device emitting thermal energy is used to destroy sweat glands permanently.
  • Sympathectomy: A surgical procedure that disturbs the nerve signals associated with sweating. The doctors usually prescribe this surgery in severe cases.


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Griffin M. Is Your Excessive Sweating Caused by a Medical Problem? WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/features/is-your-excessive-sweating-caused-by-a-medical-problem

Mayo Clinic. Excessive Sweating. https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/excessive-sweating/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050780