What Does Cis Mean? Cisgender Definition

Medically Reviewed on 1/6/2022
What Does Cis Mean
Cis is short for cisgender, which is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity is the same as the gender assigned to them at birth

Cis is short for cisgender, which is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity is the same as the gender assigned to them at birth.

For example, if a person is assigned male at birth and identifies as a boy or man, the person would be considered cis or cisgender.

Are all cisgenders straight?

Cisgender is a term associated with a person’s gender identity and not their sexual or romantic orientation. So a cisgender person can be straight or have sexual or romantic attractions to all, some, or no genders. Straight people are heterosexual and heteroromantic, meaning they prefer having sex with people of the opposite gender. 

For example, a straight cisgender male may have a sexual and romantic attraction toward a female. But cisgenders can also be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual.

How is transgender different from cisgender?

People who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth may refer to themselves as trans, which includes gender identities such as transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer.

Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity or expressions do not fit the cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. They do not have a specific sexual orientation and may identify as straight, gay, lesbian, and bisexual.

Trans people may have a condition called gender dysphoria, where they are extremely distressed about their assigned sex at birth, resulting in gender transition. Trans people also face many stigmas and inequalities when compared to cis people, including:

  • Higher risk of violence and sexual assault on transwomen
  • Lack of health insurance
  • Higher rates of unemployment
  • Lack of training for doctors and nurses in caring for transgender people
  • Housing issues
  • No legal protection
  • Higher rates of harassment in workplaces
  • Poor acceptance in the society

How does gender relate to gender expression?

Gender expression is the way in which a person chooses to express their gender identity, whether through:

  • Physical appearance
  • Behavior
  • Clothing
  • Name and pronouns

A person of any gender identity can express their gender in different ways. Some cisgender people may conform to gender norms, while others may be hesitant to do so.

What does it mean to be intersex?

Intersex people are born with bodies that have both male and female characteristics. According to the Intersex Campaign for Equality, there are three main ways an intersex person may identify themselves:

  1. Some may be cisgender or identify with their assigned sex. They may use the terms “male,” “female,” “woman,” “man,” “intersex man,” or “intersex woman.”
  2. Some may not identify with their assigned sex and may be comfortable being the opposite sex.
  3. Some may identify as neither male nor female, while some identify as both.


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Medically Reviewed on 1/6/2022
Image Source: iStock Images



