What Are the Important Reasons for Warming Up?

Medically Reviewed on 10/14/2022
Important Reasons for Warming Up
Warming up mentally prepares your body for physical activity.

Exercise is an essential aspect of one’s life. You should have a warm-up before you do any intense physical activity or exercise.

Warming up makes you ready for exercise in various ways. It increases body temperature and cardiovascular functioning and blood flow to the muscles.

Warm-up exercises include light jogging, walking, stretching, and light cycling. They help improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury and soreness after heavy exercise.

What are the examples of warm-up activities?

Here are a few examples of warm-up activities:

  • Brisk walk: Warming up for a brisk walk includes walking slowly for initial 10 minutes and gradually increasing the speed.
  • Slow jogging: The warm-up includes a brisk walk for the first 5 to 10 minutes and then a slow jog.
  • Swimming: Swim laps leisurely for the first 5 to 10 minutes.

What are the reasons for warming up?

  1. Getting your heart ready for extra workload:
    • Warming up is a preventive measure for injuries. Many other vital factors make warming up a must.
    • There is a trademark example for a warm-up—warming up your car on a cold day, increasing your car temperature, and ensuring all the parts are ready for a ride.
    • Similarly, warming up increases the body temperature. A low-intensity warm-up increases your heart rate and blood flow to the heart and makes sure you are ready for the intense workout, which is compared to a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly.
  2. Increases blood flow:
    • Warming up loosens and lubricates the joints and gradually increases your body temperature and blood flow to your muscles. The increase in blood flow to the skeletal muscles ensures adequate oxygen supply during activity. 
    • Thus, warming up helps the body, especially the cardiovascular system and muscles, to meet its increased demand for blood and high amounts of oxygen.
  3. Better muscle function and injury prevention:
    • Warming up increases the body temperature and provides a good flow of blood to provide enough energy and oxygen to the muscles and carry away any waste products from them. This ensures optimal muscle function during exercise. 
    • Warming up increases muscles' suppleness, allowing them to perform at their maximum potential, making the muscles less likely to tear, rip, and prevent other injuries. 
  4. Mentally prepares your body:
    • Warming up mentally prepares your body for physical activity. It helps the brain function and increases focus on your upcoming tasks, boosting your performance.
    • Any physical activity is about the coordination of your body and the exercise you are performing. Preparing your body mentally helps your body to be in rhythm and helps improve coordination and skill.
    • Warming up enhances the coordination between the brain and body, thus increasing performance.
  5. Cooling down as a part of recovery:
    • It is crucial to cool your body after an exercise. 
    • After intense workouts, lactic acids build up in your body and take time to clear out; cooling down exercises help speed up this process and help the body recover faster. In addition, cooling down allows the body to have decreased muscle soreness.
    • Cooling down is important because it helps bring your heart rate to normal levels after you finish the activity. 
    • Perform stretches after a workout as a part of cooling down your body.


Pictures of the 7 Most Effective Exercises to Do at the Gym or Home (and Tips to Improve Form) See Slideshow

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Medically Reviewed on 10/14/2022
Image Source: iStock image


